Universal Enclosures, cabinets, boxes | Schneider Electric Global

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Universal Enclosures

SpacialThalassaClimaSys, and Actassi ranges are solutions that simplify and enhance the work of electricians and automation engineers. Electrical equipment is installed in a controlled, secured, qualitative, and protected environment.

Benefits of Universal Enclosures


Keep people, controls, and electronic components protected in all environments.


Best in the class installation system. Personalization of our standard enclosures and with a specialized tailored solutions.

Thermal management

Maintain equipment running reliability and efficiency.

Discover our solutions

Steel and stainless-steel enclosures

Spacial Stainless-steel enclosures

Metallic enclosures are made of steel or stainless steel. From small boxes to large suitable floor-standing enclosures, Spacial ranges are the perfect fit and protection for your application.



Plastic and glass-reinforced polyester

Thalassa Plastic and glass-reinforced polyester

Thalassa insulating enclosures are made of plastic and glass-reinforced polyester. They are lightweight and corrosion-resistant for severe outdoor conditions.



Thermal management systems


Cooling, airing, fan and Smart Ventilation, heating and control, ClimaSys embeds a large range of products and software to ensure the optimal climatic conditions of your electrical and control panels.



Actassi per la connettività di rete


Contenitori da terra e da parete per applicazioni IT (voce, dati e immagine). Progettato per applicazioni di cablaggio e server che utilizzano 19″ per edifici di piccole, grandi e medie dimensioni e micro data center.



Universal Enclosures customized

Customized applications

Based on the universal enclosure, the P&S offer (projects and services) provides the solution that fits your requirements. Cut-outs, special paints, and assembly of accessories can be made in our factories.

Digital Rules

Digital Rules, the fastest enclosure selector

This fast selection guide will help you choose the best enclosure for your needs, its compatible accessories and thermal management devices. Define your enclosure solution in a few minutes.

Explore Digital



ProClima, your professional thermal advisor

Prevent your control panel from overheating and condensation thanks to our algorithms. Environmental and electrical data are taken into account to define the most efficient and reliable thermal management solution

Discover our



Spacial.conf, personalize your enclosure in few minutes

Enclosure configuration made simple. Select an enclosure and its compatible accessories, change the color, define the cut-outs, and get a price and a bill of materials in a matter of minutes for an efficient procurement experience.

Try spacial.conf



IGE+XAO – Universal Enclosures, perfect match

Who said the designing of distribution switchboard and automation and control panels must be complicated? With our Spacial, Thalassa, and ClimaSys ranges, it’s just a few-minute job. Thanks to the collaboration between IGE+XAO and Schneider Electric teams, more than 8200 Schneider Electric devices and 1200 Universal Enclosures commercial references are now available for use in SEE Electrical 3D Panel+. Discover the smart assembly rules, the thermal management optimization thanks to the ProClima configurator, and the integration with the main drilling centers of the market.

Discover more about SEE Electrical 3D


Optimize design time with our CAD libraries

Are you using ePlan ProPanel in your design and industrial process? Have a look at our new macros: select accessories with no possible mistake, place them automatically in the right place, and generate files for drilling centers.


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