URScript legacy interface — Pickit 2.3 documentation

This Ethernet cable should be plugged in:

The Pickit processor has to be connected to the Universal Robots controller using an Ethernet cable.

IP configuration

To allow communication between Pickit and the Universal Robots controller both must have an IP address in the same subnet.

By default, the Ethernet port on the Pickit processor labeled ROBOT is configured to have the following static IP address: with a subnet mask of

If this setting is kept, the following has to be done on the Universal Robots controller via Setup Robot > Setup Network:

  • Disable DHCP to obtain a static IP

  • Set the IP address of the robot to which is an IP address in the same subnet as the Pickit IP

  • Set the subnet mask to;

  • Click Apply.

The IP address of the robot can not be the same as the IP address of Pickit.



Default gateway and DNS servers can stay untouched.