UNICEF – Long Trail School

Since 1974, UNICEF has been working with volunteers to create awareness of hunger and inequality. Oxfam Hunger Banquets give you the opportunity to make a difference, both locally and globally. They are volunteer-led interactive events that bring statistics about poverty to life. Guests randomly select tickets matching real people who are high-, middle-, or low-income earners, demonstrating that where you end up is all in the luck of the draw.

Long Trail has been doing the Hunger Banquet consecutively for three years, besides this year to do COVID. For those years, the number of participants increased immensely. Many people loved the idea of it and the word was spread from members of the UNICEF Club. It is a great chance for people to really understand the lives of many individuals living in poverty driven countries and see the experiences they have to live with. It opens the eyes of many who decide to participate in this inspiring event. We only take donations because it is a free event. It is a great opportunity for our club to fundraise and spread the word.