Types of Computer Networks for Small to Mid-Size Businesses » KeeFORCE

NetworksWith advances in technology and the increasing number of startups all over the world, connecting with people you work with has become easier. But sometimes, due to evolving workspaces, sharing information with colleagues can be a challenge on its own. Can having a business computer network solve these problems? What kinds of networks can you consider for your business? Here, we will be discussing computer networks highly suited for small to mid-size businesses (SMBs).

What is a business computer network?

A business computer network links a group of computer systems for business purposes. It can be anything over two systems, and can include software as well as hardware. These systems may be present in a small geographical area or spread across a larger space. Having a business computer network helps access and share business related information with ease, thereby increasing productivity and improving efficiency in the daily running of the business.

3 Main types of business computer networks for SMBs

These are the three main types of business computer networks that suit the working styles of most small to mid-sized businesses today:

  • PAN or Personal Area Network is a small network, usually involving just one or two people and their various electronic devices like printers, phones, computers and tablets. This is great when you are working with just one or two people and developing initial ideas for your business.
  •  LAN or Local Area Network covers a slightly larger area but consists of systems all within a certain geographical area. This can be used for small offices or people working within the same building. These networks can be expanded to accommodate hundreds of computer systems as you expand the business.
  •  VPN Virtual Private Network uses the internet but creates a secure network within this larger public network. This can work well when discussing innovative ideas with people not in the same geographical area without the risk of information leaks.

Depending on the size of your organization, your specific requirements, and your budget constraints, you can decide which one of these computer networks works best for you and your business.

Contact KeeFORCE today to discuss which type of network may be a good fit for your business by calling (270) 366-0553. We can help build and maintain your network as you focus on growing your business.