Trainerize Workout Training Software & App Review: Client & Coach View

Trainerize Workout Training Software & App Review – Client & Coach Perspective

Trainerize is the software and app solution that I use to deliver my training programs to my coaching & training programming clients. Gone are the days of pen and paper notebooks. Even excel spreadsheets have come and gone. Today everyone has a smart phone in their pocket, and (unfortunately) this comes with us out onto the gym floor.

For that reason it’s an obvious step to deliver clients their programs via their phones. And that is exactly what I do – all my clients programs are delivered to them via a software app called Trainerize.

Trainerize Review: What Is Trainerize?

Trainerize is a web and smartphone (iphone & android apps included) software tool that allows coaches and trainers to track and build custom programs for their clients. Things like exercise notes, demonstration videos and rest timers are all built in.

The client just needs to open up the Trainerize app and can see what workout I have scheduled for him for that day, what mobility warmup he needs to do, all the set and rep ranges for each exercise, and any videos or notes that I have left to help him with each exercise. The best thing for myself (the coach) and the client is all the weights and reps that he performs during that session are saved in the software for me to review and for the client to build off.


Benefits to the User/Client

I have built an extensive database of exercises in my Trainerize library. Every exercise has my own notes and cues, along with a video attached. The program that is delivered to the client then includes all of these videos and notes so they know exactly how to perform any unfamiliar exercises.

The clientnthen simply opens up his app, and will see the scheduled workout for the day (email reminders are also sent every morning, explaining what todays workout involves). Along with his upcoming workouts.


 Once the client has loaded up the day’s program, he will see all his warmup routines, an overview of the session, prescribed exercises (with a button to view a demonstration video and my own notes on the lift),  and the sets, reps, rest and RPE for each lift.

The other great thing about the Trainerize App is that all your workout data is stored. So you can see the weights you performed for every lift – whether it was last week or last year. With a simple click you can see all previous data and use this to make informed decisions as to what weight you should use today (or what weight you need to do to hit a Personal Best).



The client can also leave notes at the end of the session. These notes, along with the data from the workout, are then sent to me to review every morning. Perhaps Client John couldn’t get access to the bench press, so he performed DB presses instead – he would add this to the notes so I know exactly what’s going on and why the numbers may look slightly different today.

The Trainerize App also tracks body metrics and body photos. Body fat percentage, weight, limb circumference, it can all be tracked and graphed from within the app itself.


Finally, clients can also login to their profile through the Trainerize Website and see even more data such as his training calendar with all his scheduled workouts and reminders. 

And also his progress graphs and how he is improving with his lifts.

All in all, the client has their complete training program with all their data at his fingertips. It makes training without a trainer so much easier as:

– The program is built for you, no more turning up to the gym and not knowing what to do.

– There are video demo’s for each lift to help with your form and technique.

– All of your past workout info is saved. No more needing to bring in notebooks or having to remember what weight you did last time.

– I, as your coach, oversee all your workouts and use this information to build your next program.

– It keeps you accountable as not only can you see your own progress, but so can I!


Benefits to Me as a Coach

As a coach – training numerous clients –  you can probably imagine the power that Trainerize provides me. I can tailor a personalised program to a client and know that even if I can’t train them in person (as often my clients do not live in close proximity to me in Sydney), they still have all the tools and instructions at their finger tips. Not only that, but every morning I receive a report of the session(s) that these clients performed, how they went and any notes or issues that they may have faced.

My clients really are treated like semi-professional athletes! 

All the data is stored within Trainerize, so I can see how clients are tracking with a particular lift, or how their latest progress photos compare with Day 1. I can see what workouts my client has missed and then message them to find out why. And if its a more performance orientated client, I can track all his data – whether its reps on a particular lift, or watts on a bike ride.

All this information is reviewed along with other data (such as their HRV ) when it comes to new program design. If I notice that a client has drastically improved his calculated 1 rep max in the big lifts during the past 4 weeks, but his HRV data is showing high amounts of stress and potential overtraining, I will look at banking those gains and cutting back the intensity for his next program.

This enables me, as a coach, to monitor all areas of my clients training and recovery, and tweak things when needed.

If you would like to know more about Trainerize and how it can help your own training, check out HERE. 

And if you’re wanting to follow my own Training program that is built on Trainerize, be sure to check out my Size & Strength page HERE.


Have you used Trainerize? Or Perhaps another training Platform?

If so, I’d love to hear what you think! What are your thoughts on using your phone to track your workouts? Or do you prefer old school pen and paper?! 
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

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This blog post was written by Alex Fergus. Alex is an ISSN Sports Nutrition Specialist, Fitness Professional and certified Superhuman Coach who continues to expand his knowledge base and help people across the world with their health and wellness. Alex is recognized as the National Record Holder in Powerlifting and Indoor Rowing and has earned the title of the Australian National Natural Bodybuilding Champion. Having worked as a health coach and personal trainer for over a decade, Alex now researches all things health and wellness and shares his findings on this blog. Learn more about Alex’s Credentials HERE.

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