Top Vietnamese Cuisine Food Bloggers | FD Mag

From a popular influencer to a more obscure enthusiast, these are all people who share the love of Vietnamese food. So tune in for our picks right below for more on this S-shape country expansive cuisine!

Sonny Side (The Best Ever Food Review Show)

Sonny Side (The Best Ever Food Review Show)

Let’s begin learning about Vietnam’s cuisine from a viewpoint of an ex-pat adventurer. The Best Ever Food Review Show  (90+ of which were in Vietnam!) highlights just about anything about eating here, from famous staples to more obscure items, to downright bizarre ones.

 In each video featuring Vietnam ever since his first few in 2017, Sonny would go out of his way into different restaurants and spots in only 10-20 minutes, featuring as much bold food choice as possible. And as you watch, they will never fail to give you a breath of fresh air at every minute’s turn. Besides, his reactions to bizarre meals like frogs, scorpion, and chicken legs are always entertaining to watch. So if you want to uncover Vietnam’s hidden corner The Best Ever Food Review Show is perfect for you.

Jessica Dao (I’m Dating Food)

Jessica Dao (I'm Dating Food)

With more than 1,600 posts and 40,000 followers, her Instagram feed is filled with mouthwatering photos, from casual street foods to classy restaurants around Saigon, that is sure to induce your appetite. 

A returning study abroad student, she is one of the few Vietnamese food reviewers who features both Vietnamese and English in her blog posts. And at the end, she always includes the address, opening times, and even ratings from the place she visits. So that audience, even English speakers visiting Saigon, can also get a fascinating food journey here! Don’t know where to get the best food in town? Take a peek at Jessica Dao Instagram if you yearn for intricate food spot recommendations from her adventures around the city!

Helen Le (Helen’s Recipe)

Helen Le (Helen’s Recipe)

For anyone interested in cooking a Vietnamese meal in addition to enjoying one, Helen’s Recipe is a great way to start. With both easy-to-follow procedures and charming commentary, she proves that you should not be afraid to experience cooking scrumptious Vietnamese meals for yourself. So why not start by taking a look at her amazing Pho Recipe down below?

Similar to Jessica Dao, Helen Le was inspired to bring an international audience to the vibrant food scene of Vietnam. Her reason is that as a Vietnamese who has been abroad for more than 11 years, she has never found any cuisine quite as special as that. So through her videos, she sprinkles backgrounds, culture, and history behind the specific recipes as well, strengthening the bond between them and the audience.

Huy Vu (Hungry Huy)

Huy Vu (Hungry Huy)

If you want a quick read instead of watching a video on how to cook Vietnamese foods, Huy got you covered! Should you stumble upon his eye-catching website, you will be surprised to find Huy’s extensive recipe of any kinds Vietnamese, even down to how to simply make rice. 

Being a first-generation Vietnamese in America, Huy explained that his passion for cooking Vietnamese dishes came from rediscovering his love for them as he grew up. So every recipe links that you click on, is in essence, a retelling of his bliss uncovering his home foods. And even if these are not enough to convince you, perhaps the simply beautiful pictures of foods that he takes would!