Top 3 Electric Tricycles for Adults of 2023 | Top E Tricycles for Adults of 2023

Pros and Cons of E-Tricycles for Adults 

As more older adults have rediscovered the joys of riding bikes, adult tricycles have grown in popularity. According to the Washington Post, the adult tricycle market has increased by at least 10 percent annually.

Why have electric trikes for adults grown popular? Some people have yet to learn to ride on two wheels. Others used to ride bikes as kids or young adults, but they no longer feel comfortable balancing. Some folks enjoy the comfort and ease offered by high-quality e-tricycles. 

Is riding a three-wheel bike different than a two-wheel bicycle? A three-wheel bike offers enough stability to remain standing. A two-wheel bicycle will fall when standing still unless somebody holds it up or uses a kickstand. Thus, people who have trouble balancing on two wheels can still enjoy cycling on an adult trike. 

Three-Wheel Bikes Offer More Cargo Space 

Many adults who can easily ride a bicycle have switched to an adult tricycle. Three wheels make it easier for riders to balance, and they also make it easier to carry loads. The third wheel creates more space for baskets, bags, and panniers. Thus, riders have started to use their e-tricycles for adults to carry groceries, work supplies, camping gear, or even delivery orders. 

Yes, lots of folks use their electric tricycles to exercise and have fun, but many use them as transportation to run errands, commute to work, or even make food deliveries. Plenty of people can and do ride two-wheeled bikes very well. At the same time, they’ve purchased a three-wheel adult tricycle to use when they want to carry shopping bags, their laptop or lunch, or even a pet. This additional versatility gives the purchase of e-tricycles for adults great value.

Some Adult Electric Trikes Have Room for Passengers 

Some models of e-tricycles for adults even have a passenger seat. This space for a passenger makes them ideal for bringing along children or other adults. They’ve opened the cycling world to those who may have trouble navigating their own bike, like very young kids or disabled adults. For longer trips, they allow two riders to take turns handling the steering, pedals, and controls while the other rests.

Imagine the fun of taking along a sight-impaired spouse for a ride or the kids to school on an e-trike. Go backpacking with a friend or partner and take turns handling the bike or riding along.

Are Electric Tricycles for Adults Safe?

The most negative comments that new electric tricycle riders tend to make involve difficulty adjusting to the difference between handling a three-wheel bike and a two-wheel bike. Cyclists lean in to steer with a two-wheeled bike and can take corners rapidly. With a three-wheel bike, the rider should take corners carefully without leaning because quick turns can cause an imbalance that might cause one tire to lift off the ground, causing the bike to tip or fall over. 

While some electric tricycles can travel reasonably quickly, they handle differently than two-wheel models. Also, cyclists on two wheels may stand on the pedals for a burst of extra power. Meanwhile, riders on e-trikes should mostly remain seated. Thus, switching from two wheels to three wheels means trading some speed, rapid turns, and acceleration for more versatility and greater comfort. 

Even avid cyclists need to take some time to learn to handle a three-wheel bike safely. Thus, people should take their new adult e-trike to a quiet street or parking lot to practice riding, steering, and making turns at a slow speed. People who have never ridden an electric bike before also need to take time to get used to the controls, though they’re relatively simple. 

Buy a Proper Helmet to Wear While E-Cycling 

Even though most people find adult trikes easy to master, it’s always better to prepare for anything. As with any cycle, riders should wear a proper helmet to prevent potential head injuries. Look for helmets with an e-bike rating. Many new e-bike helmets also offer extra features besides safety. For instance, they may have visors or windscreens, vents, and some even feature wireless connectivity for communication or music. Other popular e-trike accessories include gloves, mounted water bottles, and panniers.