Top 25 Writing Blogs | Positive Writer

This year I’m starting the year right by highlighting some of the best writing blogs on the web. I love to visit blogs about writing for inspiration, encouragement and motivation, and it’s with those three qualities in mind that I have compiled this list of the top 25 writing blogs.

Next year I will expand the list to the top 50, and I’d like to do that with your help. You can help by posting links to writing blogs you love in the comments. If you’re a blogger for writers, how about introducing yourself and add your link in the comments, too.


CONGRATULATIONS to all of the Champions! A badge is located at the end of this post if you’d like to display your awesomeness on your website. All of you have an open invitation to guest post here on Positive Writer.

**NEW** For Serious Writers: Serious Writers Never Quit

Without further ado, here they are:

(In no particular order.)

Goins Writer

Awesome post: The Difference Between Good Writers and Bad Writers

The Write Practice

Awesome post: If You Want to Have a Great 2014, Spend an Hour Doing This

Make a Living Writing

Awesome post: 4 Reasons Why Grammar Police Make Terrible Writers

A Writer’s Bucket List

Awesome post: This Year, Don’t Just Set Goals; Make Plans

My Name Is Not Bob

Awesome post: 3 SEO Myths That Scare Writers (And How You Can Use Them to Your Advantage)

The Creative Penn

Awesome post: Writing Fast, Funnels And Calls To Action. My Lessons Learned From Write, Publish, Repeat.

Helping Writers Become Authors

Awesome post: Most Common Writing Mistakes: Choppy Prose

Rachelle Gardner

Awesome post: Are You a Lone Ranger Writer?

Writer Unboxed

Awesome post: “I think most artists are fundamentally inconsolable. That’s why they keep doing it.”

Live Write Thrive

Awesome post: Wait a Minute while I Procrastinate

Nathan Bransford

Awesome post: Self-publishing was way easier than I thought it would be


Awesome post: Write More Easily: Understanding, Embracing and Moving Beyond Resistance

Jane Friedman

Awesome post: The 7-Step Business Plan for Writers

The Write Life

Awesome post: How to Trick Yourself Into Making Major Writing Progress

The Writer’s Inner Journey

Awesome post: Letting in the light: Overcoming unproductive negative self-talk about writing

Terrible Minds

Awesome post: Five Things I Learned Writing The Cormorant

Pen and Prosper

Awesome post: The Pros and Cons of Critique Groups for Today’s Writer

The Writers Alley

Awesome post: Dealing with Rejection, Envy and Other Not-So-Fun Writer Emotions

The Renegade Writer

Awesome post: 5 Ways To Deal With People Who Hate What You Write

Paranormal Evidence


Awesome post: The Wee Jees: A Ghost Story Based on True Events

The Procrastiwriter

Awesome post: 4 Reasons We Should Stop Comparing Ourselves to Other Writers

Writers and Authors

Awesome post: The Top 10 Things You Can Do to Sell More Books

Grammar Girl

Awesome post: Affect Versus Effect

The Word’s Greatest Book

Awesome post: Publishing Scams and How they Work

The Write Conversation

Awesome post: Confessions of an ADD Writer—How I Turned my Struggle into Success

Join me in congratulating the champions in the comments.


The Top 25 Writing Blogs ROCK! Check them out.

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Champions, here’s your badge:


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