Top 200 Franchises | Franchise Business Review


Every year, Franchise Business Review surveys thousands of franchisees from hundreds of leading franchise brands to gauge franchisee satisfaction and performance  and to compile our lists of the top-rated franchise brands. Our independent franchisee satisfaction reviews measure the health of franchise systems that participate in our research, based exclusively on the feedback of franchise owners… the real franchise experts!

To determine this year’s Top 200 Franchises, franchise owners were asked 33 benchmark satisfaction questions about their franchise company that focused on areas such as leadership, training, and core values, as well 16 more personal questions concerning their business lifestyle and overall enjoyment of running their franchise.

Research for Franchise Business Review’s Top 200 Franchises is conducted over an 18-month timeframe. Franchise companies can not pay for exposure on any of our lists. We determine the best franchises based purely on independent surveys on franchisee satisfaction.

Not all brands willingly open their doors to an independent research firm like Franchise Business Review, but those who do can offer investors, like you, a wealth of information on the system’s leadership, culture, training and support, financial outlook and franchisee community.

Learn more about Franchise Business Review’s survey and research methodology.