Top 11 Social Media Platforms for Business in 2022 – LYFE Marketing

So you’ve decided to make the leap and invest in social media platforms for business – good choice!

Social media is one of the cheapest forms of marketing available. The ROI it’s providing to the business world is growing more and more every day.

So it’s about time that you tap into it!

Who knows… your business may even go viral!

But now the big question is which social media site do you invest in?

Or do you invest in all of them? Which social media platforms for business will provide the most ROI at the lowest cost?

11 Top Social Media platforms For Your Business

Before we dive into the best social media platforms for business, let’s talk a little bit more about how social media can grow your online presence.

online marketing strategy

Here’s Why Social Media Is Good For Business

81% of the US population has at least one social media profile, and over half have two or more.

So, no matter which social media platform you decide to invest in, you will build awareness for your business. You’ll have a high chance of reaching customers that you may not have reached otherwise!

People aren’t just using social media, but they’re using social media to make purchasing decisions!

For example, 70% of B2C businesses have acquired customers through Facebook.

93% of Pinterest users use the platform to plan or make purchases.

And over 83% of Instagram users have used Instagram to buyf a product online.

Not only are people purchasing from businesses on social media, but they’re spending 20-40% more money on companies that are using social media!

And if that wasn’t enough…

…71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family.

Thus, growing your customer base even further!

How Is Social Media Used For Business?

Social media platforms are great for reaching bigger audiences.

By using these platforms effectively, you can:

      • increase the visibility of your business,

      • promote your products or services,

      • generate new leads, and

      • drive sales

Using curated content enables businesses to market their services at maximum efficiency.

You can also use social media to provide customer service by responding to comments and direct messages left by your customers.

What Is The Best Social Media For Business?

These numbers above, show that there is money to be made within the social media realm- but which one is the perfect platform for your business?

This can be a tricky question because there’s not a single answer to this question. There are so many popular platforms you can use.

The best social media platform to use will vary from business to business depending on the:

      • products or services provided,

      • audience groups, and

      • platform versatility

Like each business, each social media platform specializes in different functions, content, and groups of people.

That’s why we’re going to touch on the top 11 social media platforms for business.

So, we can help business owners like yourself decide which platform is going to work best and be the most profitable for you.

1. Facebook

It shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that Facebook is number one on our list of the top 11 social media platforms for business.

With 2.41 billion daily active users, Facebook is the most widely used social platform and it should be used by every business.

Whether your business goal is brand awareness, website traffic, lead generation, or online conversions…

…Facebook should (and more than likely will) make a notable difference in reaching your goals when used properly.


Facebook’s wide user base and demographic of users is the main reason it’s at the top of our list.

Almost anyone can find their target audience on this platform and get in front of them.

You may be thinking, “Okay, so my target audience is on Facebook, but how do I make sure they see my business page?”

The answer is Facebook advertising (and a lot of great content!).

Facebook’s advertising platform is by far the most developed of all the social media platforms.

Yes, even out-performing Twitter and other channels that have been around a lot longer!).

On Facebook, you can target by age, gender, employment, interests, purchasing behaviors, relationship status and so much more!

This gives you the power to target your exact audience and put your ads and content in their newsfeed where they are already scrolling.

If you’re wondering if Facebook is for you; our answer 9 times out of 10 is yes.

There are only 2 instances when we may suggest another platform over Facebook.

The first being if you do not have a social media budget.

And the second being if your type of business is prohibited to advertise on Facebook based on Facebook’s ad policies (i.e. a vaping or tobacco company).

On Facebook, you have to pay to play.

So while your target audience is more than likely using the channel daily, you’ll need an advertising budget to reach them.

But even so, many of our clients have seen significant ROI after investing in Facebook ads.

Combining great content and A/B split testing, with Facebook’s data, user base, and ad platform can be one powerful combination for your business!


With billions of daily active users, Facebook is the most widely used social platform and it should be used by every business.

2. Facebook Messenger

While Facebook Messenger is a part of Facebook, you have to download the Facebook Messenger app separately from Facebook to use it.

It contains a few extra features outside of the ones mentioned above for Facebook!

Thus, Facebook Messenger is number 2 on our list of social media platforms for business.

facebook messenger

Facebook Messenger is an app that allows Facebook users to send direct messages to one another.

And lucky for you this functionality also extends to business pages!

Because Facebook Messenger is a part of Facebook, it has the same access to Facebook’s large user base and advertising platform.

You can definitely use this to your advantage!

social media platforms for business

Facebook has advertising campaigns that are specifically developed for Facebook Messenger.

When someone clicks on an ad, they will be prompted to start a Facebook Message with your business page.

And if they do, your business page can follow up with them in messages from that point on.

If your business model is more focused on lead generation as opposed to eCommerce or more immediate online conversions…

…then this may be a good option for your business!

Outside of using Facebook Messenger advertising, you can also set up automated messages for your business page.

If someone messages your Facebook business page, Facebook Messenger will send an automated message back to them.

This is one that you have crafted.

Oftentimes, these automated messages say something as simple as, “Thank you for reaching out to us!”

Someone will respond back to you within 24 business hours. “Thank you and have a great day!”

Even a message as simple as that one helps build trust between your business and potential or existing customers.

Thus bettering the chances of you making a buyer or repeat buyer out of them.


Facebook Messenger is an app that allows Facebook users to send direct messages to one another.

3. Instagram

Instagram comes very close behind Facebook and is number three on our list of social media platforms for business.

Instagram is owned by the same person who owns Facebook and has 500 million daily active users.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, saw so much potential in the platform.

And the benefits of Instagram that he bought it out just 18 months after it launched for $1 billion, and the platform has continued to grow since.

Because Instagram is owned by Facebook, it has access to the same user base and advertising platform like the Facebook Messenger app does.

So Instagram has all of the same paid benefits as Facebook, but Instagram also has its own set of organic benefits.

When we use the term “organic,” we mean functions you can perform or results you can achieve without directly paying for them.

On Facebook, you have to pay for advertising campaigns to grow your followers and increase the reach of your page and posts.

On Instagram, you can grow your followers organically and therefore grow the reach of your profile and posts organically as well!

This makes Instagram a great option for both businesses with and without an advertising budget.


Instagram is also a visual platform, as you can only publish posts that include photos and videos.

This works to your advantage as a business since people remember 80% of what they see as opposed to what they read or hear!

Creating user-generated content to post on Instagram is a great way for you to show your brand’s voice and your brand personality.

4. Pinterest

If your business falls within a creative industry of any kind or caters more so to females, then Pinterest is a social media platform you want to be on.

Pinterest has 291 million monthly active users.

Out of those users, 81% are women, 93% of active pinners said they use Pinterest to plan for purchases.

And 87% said they’ve purchased something because of Pinterest.

Food recipes, lifestyle how-to articles, wedding inspiration, and outfit ideas are some of the top searches on Pinterest.

So if you’re business falls within any of those industries, you need to be utilizing Pinterest as one of your social media platforms for business.

social media platforms for business

Though Pinterest’s advertising platform isn’t as advanced as Facebook’s, you can still use paid ads to boost the reach of your posts.

And, track online conversions through your Pinterest ads.

Additionally, Pinterest has some organic capabilities that other social platforms do not.

Organic reach on a Pinterest post is determined by the number of keywords in a post and if they align with what a user has searched on Pinterest.

This gives businesses a chance to strategically plan their content to contain words that are searched a lot on Pinterest.

And that is without having to use extra advertising dollars!

5. Snapchat

Snapchat is an app that allows users to send Snapchats (a photo or video) either directly to another user or to their Snapchat Story.

A Snapchat sent directly to another user can only be viewed once.

But a Snapchat on a Story (such as your business’ Story) is visible for up to 24 hours after it’s published.

If your target market is mostly comprised of the younger demographic, Snapchat may work for your business!

There are over 350 million monthly active users, and 203 million daily active users on Snapchat.

And 71% of those users are under 34 years old. Specifically, almost half of its users are aged between 18-24.

social media platforms for business

Snapchat shares Instagram’s advantage of visual content since Snapchat posts have to include either a photo or video to publish.

In fact, Snapchat has more than 10 million daily video views. Are your company’s videos tapping into these daily viewings?

Snapchat also offers advertising options where you can pay to have a linkable Snapchat in the Discovery section of Snapchat.

social media platforms for business
Between posting content on your Snapchat Story and paying to post Snapchat in your target audience’s Top Story and Discovery feed…

…you’re sure to reach your market on one of the youngest and fastest-growing social media platforms!


Snapchat shares Instagram’s advantage of visual content since their posts have to include either a photo or video to publish.

6. YouTube

YouTube is a video platform that allows users to watch videos and/or upload them.

YouTube has 2 billion monthly active users.

This means sharing content with over 30+ million daily active users who are likely to watch your videos.

social media platforms for business
Similar to Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat, YouTube has the benefit of visual content.

But unlike the other social media platforms for a business that we’ve listed so far, it has the unique stance of being owned by Google!

Because of this, YouTube has access to Google’s advertising platform, and you can use this to your advantage when running YouTube ads.

It also mimics its parent company in that you can optimize the search of your company’s YouTube videos with the proper keywords.

Without having to spend extra money on advertising dollars, you can make your YouTube videos have higher search rankings.

You can achieve this by including the keywords in your title, video description, and the actual list of keywords in the keywords tool.

7. Twitter

Twitter is one of the older social media platforms, and it has 336 million monthly active Twitter users.

You can post photos and videos along with limited copy of 280 characters, but Twitter is most known for its feed of real-time updates.

Is the term “live-tweeting” ringing a bell now?

social media platforms for business
Twitter is also great for engaging new potential customers through its use of hashtags.

Similar to Instagram, you can search a hashtag and find other posts from consumers and businesses alike that have used that hashtag.

This means that you can find consumers searching for something that your company offers and vice versa!

For example, if you’re a car wash company…

…you can find people tweeting about how they need to get their car washed depending on how they’ve used hashtags in their tweet.

You can then tweet them with a discount for your car wash, and voila, you’ve most likely got a new customer.

8. LinkedIn

If your business follows a B2B model or targets consumers based on job titles, then LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for you!

LinkedIn has 303 million monthly active users, almost all of which are in the working world or close to it.

Because LinkedIn is considered to be a social media platform for business, people often include more accurate information about their:

  • employers,

  • job positions,

  • work email addresses,

…and more than they do on other social media platforms that are utilized more for personal use.

social media platforms for business

LinkedIn’s advertising platform is not as advanced as Facebook’s in terms of its campaign functions.

But it does give you a lot more job positions to target than Facebook does.

This can be crucial if the bottom line of your business is dependent upon targeting specific businesses or job titles.

9. TikTok

TikTok is a newer social media platform that has become extremely popular in recent years.

It’s an app that allows its users to create their own 15-second video clips and share them.

Now it has 1.2 billion users worldwide with 500 million monthly active users.

With these figures, it has now surpassed Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat – platforms that are older.

However, although it has so much potential to capture the attention of Gen Z, it still has a long way to go when it comes to advertising.

The only way for marketers to use this platform for advertising is through influencers.

And since it is still not that saturated compared to other social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter…

…a lot of brands now are using it to reach Gen Z – a market that seems quite hard to reach.

10. Yelp

Yelp is not always the first app someone thinks of when they think of social media.

But, it is on this list because it does play an important role in maintaining your company’s brand and image!

social media platforms for business

Yelp has 178 million monthly visitors.

And those visitors include people who want to know whether your business provides a positive or negative experience.

This gives your business the chance to keep up its reputation by encouraging good reviews and responding to negative reviews.

By doing this, you build an organic sense of transparency and trust between your business and your consumers.

And this can play a huge part in growing and retaining your customer base.

11. Google Business Profile

You should have a Google Business Profile for your business.

Google Business Profiles are free business listings on Google when someone searches for your business.

It allows you to promote your business on Google Search, Google Maps, and Google Shopping.

On your profile you can share information such as your location, contact information, hours, and more. You can also add your website link which will significantly help drive traffic to your website.

Your customers will then be able to leave reviews, upload images, and ask questions about your business.

Make sure you utilize every section of your profile, and update your business information as it changes.

Google Business Profiles will make your business easily accessible to potential customers and clients.

Providing all the information they need to learn about your business and get in contact with you in one place, it will be very beneficial.

In Conclusion

So those are the top 11 social media platforms for a business that our specialists recommend!

Take our advice and utilize the social accounts that we’ve suggested in this post. We guarantee you will find success for your business!

Think you know which social media platforms for business are right for you but don’t have the time or know-how to manage them?

Contact us to schedule a time to discuss how our social media marketing company can help you!