– Describe a family business you know

Describe a family business you know

You should say


– What this family business is  

– How you know about it

– Who the customers of this family business are

– And explain why you think it is successful 

Dec 26,2018


Many of the poor and marginal level people have changed their fortune wheel by business and when they engage their family members, the business grows more for different reasons.


Mr. Tuan is my neighbour and owns his restaurant which is his family business too. He has owned the business from his father and been continuing with his family members. He has engaged his brothers to run the restaurant located at a corner of a crowded street in Hanoi capital. Though there are lines of restaurants on the street, his restaurant is preferable to many of the tourists and also he proudly owns some regular customers. His restaurant offers different sorts of traditional French cuisines for the clients. Besides, you can have your foods both in and outside of the restaurant. Usually, during the peak hours, he has a large open space before the restaurant where he has set up a couple of small tables and chairs for the consumers.


To me, it appears that this is a very good family business. Firstly, all the family members are working together which is not found in other cases. The profits are shared equally among the family members. Secondly, his restaurant attracts many domestic and international customers since if you want to enjoy dinner there, you always have to reserve a seat. All staffs usually work around the clock at weekend. 


I think self-employment by running a family business like this is a perfect way to earn money in such a competitive market like in Hanoi. I admire him and his family a lot.


Well, today I’m gonna talk about a one of my Những trải nghiệm không thể quên with the Internet. It was when I searched for materials to write my graduation paper.  


Firstly, I should frankly share that the Internet has significantly changed my study, I mean, in terms of approach, strategies, and time. Only with an Máy tính có kết nối với Internet  or device, I can Tiếp xúc với một bể kiến thức khổng lồ của thế giới


3 years ago, I remember it was tough time for me when I had to write a thesis about a specific topic related to my major at university. I had to Làm việc vất vả, thức khuya dậy sớm . But I found myself lucky enough with the usefulness of the Internet. My graduation paper was about “domestication in the translation of The Gatsby”. At that time, the deadline was coming near, and I did actually believe that for such topic, books at school library were the best choice. But after weeks of looking for the needed materials, I found it limited to some extent. So I turned to finding related sharings on the Internet. 


I spent two days staying with my laptop and surfing a lot of websites with relevant contents. Initially, I really got disappointed because the information searched out were of unreliable sources or not exactly what I was looking for. And I thought, well, the Internet was of little use also. But I decided to search for the second time with more key words and at this time, things Đến với tôi đầy ngạc nhiên to me. The Internet brought some proven theories and prior successful papers of the same topic in a very convenient way, which plays a crucial part in helping me finish my writing. 


I realized that being patient and working smartly with the Internet could enable us to Tận dụng cơ hội hoặc cái gì đó it.

1.   Do you think information on the internet is very reliable?


Well, in my opinion, people should not tin tưởng  all information on the internet. The main reason is that there are abundant sources of news for people to read and research but not all of those are xác thực . We should gain information from chính thức  sources such as national newspapers in phiên bản trực tuyến/phiến bản online or websites of governments.

2.   What other ways can people use to look for information?  


Firstly, nhắc đến, đề cập đến, government’s websites or trustful sources are the ways for people to  tiếp cận điều gì đó the information easily and quickly. Another way is  that people and đăng kí thường xuyên  physical newspapers every  month, or  watch  news  on  TV  or  tham gia  with  famous  speakers  to  learn  what  they  are  interested  or  tư vấn, tham khảo ý kiến  their professors for their wanted information.

3.   Is TV a good media for information? 


Well, theo quan điểm/ý kiến của tôi , TV is not only a good media for information but entertainment also. thuyết phục that is TV programs bị kiểm soát the government and authorities who chịu trách nhiệm phát hành, and thus, the content and the quality of content are suitable for our culture and good enough to believe.

4.   Can people find everything on the internet?  


Absolutely, yes! Internet is the nguồn thông tinchỉ với 1 cú nhấn chuột,people can get various công thức nấu ăn for delicious dishes or gain politic news khắp mọi ngõ ngách trên thế giới. However, the  tối tuyệt mật information of a country or researches cannot be found on the internet.

5.   Can you trust everything on the internet?


I don’t think so. Not all things on the internet are xác thực  or bị kiểm soát It may be virus that harms your computer or fake information that lừa lọc ai you. Therefore, I think that people should use their kĩ năng tư duy phê phán when they are searching something online.

6.   How can you tell the real information from the fake ones?


Well, it’s really a tough question for me. I am afraid that I cannot give a thỏa đáng answer. However, I think that if I were in that case, I would wait for the sự chính xác claim the nguồn tin chính thức of the information.