This is Adventographer: A Travel Blog Introduction

My name is Patrick and I’m not a writer.

I have a background in photography. Visual communication is my strength; words don’t always come easily to me. While I don’t identify myself as a writer I’ve always been a traveler. From a young age, I was given the opportunity to travel. I spent countless hours on family road trips & vacations to what seemed, at the time, distant places. I got my first taste of the tropics in Hawaii and learned about ancient civilizations in Mexico. These experiences ingrained themselves on my psyche.  But, somewhere along the way, my life became focused on typical ‘adult’ worries we all know: careers, mortgages and bills leaving no time for travel.

I’m not affluent (unfortunately). I haven’t yet won the lottery. I have a profession that takes me away to work in the most remote reaches of northern Canada. I manage construction projects for weeks at time, without ever leaving the camp. These days and weeks in isolation are difficult & draining, typically broken up only by a few short days off at home; or worse—lay offs.

It was a longer break from work, years ago, that rekindled my passion for travel. I’d been laid off from my job, bought a motorcycle and on a whim ridden from Canada to Panama and back. A wayward day dealing with flat tires, ornery customs agents and a foreign language all while managing to end the day with a smile cemented the fact that travel would always been an integral part of my life.

During that first extended trip I learned a lot about myself. I’ve always kept journals of my travel experiences, documenting the highs and lows throughout the trip. I think It’s helped exposed my priorities and passions in life.

While procrastinating doing some badly needed yard work one day I was reading through one of these journals. I was literally flipping the pages of my experiences. As I read my own words I was instantly transported back to the sights and sounds of my trip through Central America.

A nagging feeling persisted for days on end. I couldn’t get those images out of my head. I had a case of itchy feet. My wanderlust was alive and well! The compulsion was so strong that I made a promise to myself then and there: make travel a priority in my life once again.

I’m not a writer, so why blog? It’s a commitment to myself that holds me accountable. It’s the home for my adventure stories. The ups, the downs and everything between. I’ll share photos, video and stories from the places I visit and the cultures I explore. I’ll post tip’s & tricks to help you travel better and/or cheaper and with luck inspire you to break out your passport and travel more often.

I want this blog to inspire you, to inform you and to add fuel to your wanderlust. I hope you’ll join me on this adventure!

If you haven’t already, follow me on social media and subscribe to the mailing list below. We can share stories & ideas, collaborate & communicate and I’ll keep you up to date on all the latest content, stories and tips from Canada and around the world!


Patrick Horsfield
Photographer & Travel Writer