The answer to “how’s your new job going?”

I’ve been writing this post in my head for a while, and it’s time to finish it! I jumped into a big career change in August and wanted to share more about how it’s going here at BlueOcean.  

I made my career home at an experiential marketing agency for the past 14 years. I figured I would be there for a few years and move on, as I had for the first 8 years or so of my career. People stay at companies for all sorts of reasons, but for me, my colleagues were amazing and I worked with leadership to pursue many opportunities to grow and evolve my skills. 

But like so many did during the pandemic, I considered my next career step. As I was starting to formulate a plan, a LinkedIn post on hiring for Customer Success roles from a colleague caught my eye. She had joined BlueOcean a few months prior and we connected to discuss the opportunity. We unexpectedly spoke for well over an hour and when the call ended I was eager to know more. 

Why leave an established company for a 2 year old startup with 30 employees? Are you crazy? Even with remote work becoming very common, many asked me how I would make connections being brand new. Do you know anything about working at a startup or SaaS? All fair questions. 

BlueOcean began impressing me during my interview process and as I met more members of the team, I started to envision myself working alongside them. Now almost 3 months in, I can tell you it’s one of the most dedicated groups of people I’ve ever met. I feel incredibly connected to my colleagues, despite spanning all 4 US time zones, through fun slack groups and weekly all hands sharing sessions. My colleagues are generous with their time and knowledge, willing to make investments of both to share with new hires. 

The excitement about our growth is contagious, and better yet – our founders and leaders have a very specific vision for the company. Watching a replay (I wasn’t on board at that time) of our CEO’s all hands meeting describing where BlueOcean was headed post-Series A showed me how much thought and careful planning has gone into building and scaling BlueOcean.

BlueOcean set out to truly create a category – by empowering brand marketers at all levels of the organization to make better business decisions today through always-on, intelligently actionable brand data. Before we grew quickly, our leadership took the opportunity to define our company’s core values and have encouraged us to live them every day. I hear colleagues mention a core value daily and I’ve shared several with clients as we build relationships. In fact, I have them framed sitting on my desk. At BlueOcean we:

  • Build Together
  • Hide Nothing
  • Care
  • Do What You Say
  • Release It
  • Embrace Difference
  • Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

I’m excited to continue to keep learning, scale our business, and help our clients grow their own brands.