The World’s Biggest List Of Blog Post Ideas (6,589 Topics!)

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Explained: How To Find Blog Ideas On Your Own

So what if you’ve just looked at the world’s largest collection of blog post ideas above, but you’re still stuck with blogger’s block?

In this section, you’ll learn how to find blog post inspiration when it looks like there’s nothing new anywhere under the sun. Sometimes, it’s easy to feel like you’re part of a blogging hivemind that constantly buzzes about the same ideas.

To keep things engaging and captivating, you have to keep channeling your creativity from undiscovered depths. You’ve got to generate fresh and exciting ideas that convert even when the blinking cursor and the blank page taunt your writer’s block.

Easier said than done, right?

Thankfully, we have discovered it’s not that hard to get burst after burst of inspiration for your business blog. Let’s look at the 27 top ways to find things to blog about without drying up your creative juices.

1. Google It

It’s almost impossible to sideline Google search when coming up with topics to blog about.

Google is one of the best sources of research regardless of how niche your niche is. When using Google search, don’t just stick to the first page. The next five pages or so often contain good topic ideas and informative posts that can inspire your creativity.

To find out if a particular topic would be helpful to your readers, don’t forget to check out the “Related Searches” section at the bottom of each page. Whatever the topic, there are plenty of floating ideas on the internet, and if one of them catches your eye, don’t hesitate to go down that rabbit hole and see if you can unearth some blogging nuggets.

Google is a data mine that keeps on giving gem after gem with features like Autocomplete and “People also ask.” Google’s excellent algorithm shows you content that’s ranking, so it’s a great place to start if you want to write interesting blog topics.

2. Jot Down Those Eureka Moments

Your creativity can be triggered by anything in your environment. Sometimes your brain takes a while to mull the idea over before presenting it in a flash of inspiration. Since it’s hard to predict Eureka moments, it’s essential to always be prepared to record blog content ideas that come your way before they evaporate into forgetfulness.

You can either jot it down in a dedicated Google doc or spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can use tools like Trello to keep all your creative ideas under one roof. To take things up a notch, use digital planners to organize your inventory of blog content ideas however you want. That way, it will be easier to achieve blogging success all year long, even when your creativity tanks.

3. Find a New Angle

Repurposing old blog content is one effective way to discover new blog ideas. Trying to find new ideas all the time can be exhausting, and reusing your existing content in various ways helps you catch a break. When looking for new angles or approaches, start by checking out your popular blog posts.

The point is to come up with ideas along the same theme that has already worked for you. Suppose your audience responded positively to a blog post that provided solutions to a problem. In that case, you’d likely get a similar response if you write a blog about what happens after implementing the new solution.

For instance, let’s say you run a fitness blog, and one of your greatest posts is titled Best treadmill machines for home use. After your readers follow through with your solution, you can still provide valuable content by exploring angles like How to make at-home treadmill workouts more fun.

You can also rethink your less popular blog posts and incorporate the missing elements in a new post. This might involve playing around with the headlines, increasing readability, and adding more depth and humor.


4. Pick Your Audience’s Brain

The most no-brainer way to find stuff to blog about is to ask your audience directly and then blog as per their wishes. There are several ways to leverage reader participation when creating web content:

  • Always invite your readers to engage in your posts by asking them questions, such as “What do you think about…?” or “Would you like to know more about…?”

  • Quora,

    Join online discussions, forums, and communities where your audience likes to hang out and pose your own questions. Great social media examples include Reddit Twitter , and Facebook , especially because you can get immediate responses.

  • Use Google or survey forms to harvest new blog ideas from your audience.

When in doubt about what your audience wants, ask and get answers straight from the horse’s mouth.

5. Let Blog Comments Lead the Way

Reading the comment section on any popular blog post might reveal a trail of breadcrumbs that lead to your next popular blog idea. Start by browsing comments on your blog before going through blog post comments of your competitors’ popular blogs. 

You’ll find that the audience in your niche has questions, opinions, and ideas that can be used as a springboard for new content. In addition, by analyzing leading blogs with active comment sections, you’ll also be able to figure out the secret ingredient to audience engagement in your industry.

You don’t always have to ask your audience questions to get the answers you need. Sometimes your audience will be motivated to weigh their opinion because they feel strongly about a specific topic or subject. This kind of feedback can be super helpful. To make the most of blog comments, prioritize comments where people ask questions. If an idea hasn’t been covered on your blog, the best way to discover it is to notice what people are asking about.

6. Shine the Spotlight on Your Personal Life

Blogs are so popular because they allow you to humanize your content and make it more relatable. Your business blog doesn’t have to be formal. Instead, your audience will appreciate a peek into your personal life or behind the scenes of your business operations. 

They want to know the personality behind your brand, so it doesn’t hurt to come up with blog ideas based on your story or opinion. Personalization is one of the best ways to create an emotional connection with your audience. 

Even when your audience shows interest in your services or products, they still want to feel like the interaction is genuine. So, talk about the interesting experiences you have encountered in your business journey and what makes your operations unique. That’s how you build a lasting relationship with your audience.

7. Stalk Your Favorite Bloggers

Reading your favorite blogs is one enjoyable way of finding blog post inspiration. If you have discovered a particular blogger that’s worth your precious time, then they can teach you a thing or two about creating content that delivers and gives value. 

Fortunately, there’s no shortage of blogs that are dominating SERPs in every niche, and you can emulate them by reading and re-reading their content and discovering what’s lacking on your own blog. We also recommend signing up for newsletters, so you’re always tuned in when a new post arrives and can receive exclusive strategies, tips, and tricks that will streamline your search for new content ideas.

The point is to spark your creativity and generate better ideas for new posts, so don’t copy content from others. Even Google frowns at duplicate content, and there’s no way you can impress your audience with content that echoes stuff they have already read. Read the content, go over it with a fine-tooth comb, and see if you can develop something newer, bigger, and better.

8. Find Out What’s Trending on Social Media

One of the most popular answers to discovering new ideas for blog posts is to observe what’s going around you and listen to your audience’s two cents. In that regard, social media is the place to be. Here are some top ways to leverage social media to get topics to blog about:

  • Compile a comprehensive list of keywords related to your niche and use website search boxes to find trending conversations and discussions. This is a better way to find in-depth insights on platforms like Reddit and Quora that allow long-form conversations.

  • Join a Facebook group of bloggers to get support and insights into popular queries and problems that you can blog about. You can also find Facebook groups that contain an audience seeking answers to specific problems.

  • Find an online community that’s specific to your niche. Reddit is awesome for this. There are tonnes of subreddits on Reddit, and some of them are impressively ultra-niche. You can use new and old threads to find blog post ideas regularly.

  • Use Twitter hashtags to sniff out new blog ideas that trend by the minute.

  • Search Pinterest and view pinned content specific to your niche to generate an endless stream of content ideas.

  • Participate in LinkedIn Groups discussions for brainstorming and sharing business blog ideas.

9. Write Blogs Based on Trending Keywords

Ever wondered about the secret behind big business bloggers? If we were to take a shot in the dark, we would aim dead center for keywords. Keywords are the key to knowing what your audience is searching for, so it’s easier to generate topics that will spread like wildfire if you use keyword research to generate blog topics. 

Most bloggers typically use the following keyword tools for blog post ideas.

  • BuzzSumo.

    When you visit the website and type in a keyword associated with your niche, you’ll see all the popular and interesting blog topics. Use BuzzSumo’s ideas to come up with refreshing takes that are still viral-worthy.

  • Google Keyword Planner. This tool will show you how the popularity of blog ideas has changed over time based on your topic of interest.
  • Ahrefs. Ahrefs gives you insight into the keywords your competitors are ranking for. You can then create new content to fill in the SEO gaps in your blog.

10. Use Distilled Knowledge from eBooks and Online Courses

They may be the last place bloggers look, but the right eBooks are often packed with things to blog about. This is because the information in eBooks is distilled and concentrated around a specific topic you can write about. 

To start extracting blog content ideas from eBooks, first head over to Amazon to find top eBooks in your niche and take note of the topics being explored. You don’t have to buy each book because you can always rely on the “look inside feature” to discover chapter topics. 

In a similar vein, online courses from websites like Udemy are also a rich source of ideas, especially if you pay attention to the curriculum. Keep in mind that this is content worth paying for, and blogging about it will earn you gratitude and loyalty from your audience.

Again, it’s not about stealing content but about putting your own unique spin to come up with fresh and valuable content. The upside of using eBooks and online courses in this way is you can collect more ideas in one place and use them to create a lengthy series of blogs on a single, broader topic.

11. Turn to Interviews

Your brain is capable of generating hundreds or more ideas for your blog. Now imagine how far your blog can go when it’s feeding off other brains! That sounds creepy, but it’s brilliant inspiration.

However, although interviews seem like an easy way to create content, it’s essential that you do your research and come up with interesting questions that tickle your audience’s curiosity for the topic. Once you have interview quality locked down, and have set your sights on several industry experts and influencers, you can decide whether to take the in-depth or the roundup approach.

Roundup interview posts are interesting because of their eclectic mix of opinions and personalities. But on the other hand, in-depth interview posts allow you to milk someone’s expertise for all its worth. 

12. Flesh Out Existing Content

Previously we mentioned how you could use existing blog content to find new angles. Fleshing out existing content is even easier because there’s not much to figure and plenty more to say when expanding on a topic. Again, start with your blog’s greatest posts of all time. They contain the winning formula to attract and engage a steady stream of traffic. 

There are several ways to expand on existing content. For instance, you can do follow-up blogs or add more length to short-form posts. Look at the list of subheadings in each post and flesh out the original ideas, so they bring more value to readers. 

You can also use SEO tools for auditing your site’s content and discovering posts that need to be refreshed and updated. Brand new blog ideas can keep your blog on a roll, but only if you’re building on existing content that’s up to scratch.

13. Comb Through Competitor Blogs

Keep your competitors close, and they just might show you how to rank higher with new blog ideas. That’s because no matter how much you exercise your creative muscle, your blog is bound to have a few content gaps. 

Using keyword tools, such as Ahrefs that we have already mentioned before, you can suss out ideas for new content using keywords that are not too competitive. When checking out your competitor’s top-performing articles, do so with an eye towards how you can add your own captivating angle to spice up the content. 

Your content needs to be unique so that if you share an audience with some competitors, the audience won’t ever consider your posts as inferior rewrites. Every blog post and its topic have to be brand new and interesting.

14. Find Out What People Are Willing to Pay For

We have already talked about how Amazon book listings and Udemy online courses are wonderful resources when creating an in-depth series of new blog posts. But the real jackpot is that this is content people are willing to pay for. So, you can put your money on it if you want to create blockbuster blog posts.

Taking another look at Amazon listings, you can type in keywords to find top-selling books on the same topics. These books are listed in subcategories, so zero in on the subcategories that best apply to your niche to find topics that can also sell in blog form. If you have more time, check out individual books to narrow down topics for when you want to create bite-sized blogs that are highly relevant.

Ditto with Udemy. Just by looking at the most popular or best-selling courses, you can generate blog ideas with real dollar value and provide solutions to your audience’s common problems.

15. Answer FAQs In Your Niche

When your audience has questions galore, there’s no reason why you should run out of things to blog about. If you check Q & A websites like Quora and subreddits like Askreddit, you’ll discover a steady stream of questions that can spark blog post inspiration. The threads with the most engagements are a tip-off to what you should pay attention to the most.

There’s also Answer The Public, a popular search listening tool that highlights the important questions being asked in your field. Earlier, we talked about using Google search to find ideas. The best thing about Google is that it’s a free tool that also alerts you to the popular questions related to any search terms. 

For every FAQ, there are a dozen or more new blog ideas you can come up with before you feel like you’ve exhausted every angle.

16. Capitalize on Current News and Trends

Most bloggers prefer evergreen posts because they can keep traffic coming for longer. However, there’s always room for blog ideas that focus on current news and the latest trends. Even if it’s not breaking news, you can always target an angle that’s guaranteed to resonate with your audience, so you can ride the wave of a popular trend or event while it still has momentum.

Here are some ideas to help you stay abreast of the latest news and trends happening in your sphere of business:

  • Use Google Trends to figure out the level of popularity for different trending topics.

  • Check social media sites for trending hashtags.

  • Use Ahrefs or BuzzSumo to find high-volume search terms.

You can use all these tools to write a blog that explores an interesting angle enabling you to hog some of the interest being generated.

17. Go Against the Mainstream

Blogs have been popular for a while, and at this point, there’s been a lot written about almost everything. From your perspective, it may seem like unique blog ideas are fast becoming extinct, but that’s only if you stick to the same old stuff.

If you want to be different, try swimming upstream. For instance, “How To” blog topics are a dime a dozen, but seeing a “How Not To” blog topic is like a breath of fresh air. So when it becomes tougher to come up with fresh angles, you can put an opposite spin on existing content. 

If one of your most successful blog posts supports a particular opinion, do a quick pivot and play devil’s advocate. Your content will attract more engagement by encouraging readers to debate both sides of a topic.

18. Tap Into Your Brain Power More Often

Your brain feels tired.

Coming up with new topics to blog about feels like a chore.

You regularly come up empty, so what’s the way forward?

Well, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it, so while it helps to rely on others for ideas, never give up on your own creativity. The more you generate ideas, the more you tap into your brainpower and become a lean, mean ideas machine.

We are not talking about some kind of wordsmith wizardry where you pluck ideas out of nothingness. Instead, it all comes down to paying attention to every situation, conversation, discussion, experience, and interaction to see how much they inspire you.

Train yourself to notice trends, make connections, and think outside the box, and your brainpower alone will produce a wealth of blog ideas for many editorial calendars to come.

19. Brainstorm Blogging Ideas With Your Team

When running a business, each team member is capable of coming up with excellent blogging ideas, but some of these can go uncaptured if you don’t set up routine brainstorming sessions. 

Group brainstorming sessions are productive because they spur creativity and uncover in-depth topics as team members bring their own unique perspectives to the table. That’s why discussing things with your sales team easily generates ideas. Your sales team knows more about customers than any other team member – the questions they ask and their areas of interest.

That being said, every member of your team has something to contribute to your pool of business blogging ideas. They occupy different and strategic areas of your business. Once you combine their ideas, they will be worth more than the sum of their isolated parts.

20. Build More Blog Post Guides

Is there a limit to the number of posts you can upload to your blog? Or do you have to keep churning fresh idea after idea while your audience only skims the top layer of recently uploaded content? That’s where blog post guides come in. 

Coming up with new guide topics means you have the opportunity to connect existing posts together. So with each fresh idea you come up with, you’re essentially inviting your audience to explore more of your old posts for added value. 

Sending your audience on regular click-quests with new guides is a great way to ensure that all parts of your blog receive constant engagement.

21. Listen to Podcasts and YouTube Videos

In this post, we have talked extensively about reading a ton of stuff to find inspiration and beat blogger’s block. Whether you’re performing competitor analysis or browsing your favorite blogs, there’s bound to be something you can take away. 

However, it can be pretty darn tiring reading all that content, so if you love podcasts and YouTube videos, we have the perfect solution for you. You can sit back and listen to save yourself the eye strain and still get the information you need.

Podcasts and vlogs are increasingly becoming popular, so it’s easy to find recordings in your niche and equally easy to convert the ideas and tricks you find into engaging and original blog post topics.

22. Create a Content Calendar

As mentioned, generating blog ideas regularly can be exhausting, but if you create a content calendar, the process can be done and dusted within a relatively short time. That way, you don’t have to rack your brains every time a new post is due. 

Preplanning is especially important for business blogs because it separates you from the hobbyist bloggers who just wing it. Creating a content calendar is a helpful way of generating blog topic ideas because it forces you to keep in mind some important dates relevant to your niche.

When you note dates such as important holidays, novelty holidays, and industry events, it’s easy to come up with themed ideas for different occasions. This proves to your audience that your blog can evolve with the times while delivering engaging content consistently.

23. Focus on Pillar Content First

One of the reasons why bloggers sometimes feel like generating topics to blog about is such a chore is that they are focusing on individual topic ideas instead of looking at the bigger picture first. When you focus on the broader topic ideas, it’s easier to come up with specific headlines that can be used to create smaller blog posts. 

So, focusing on pillar content ensures that you have covered the essential topics, and what’s left is to extract topic ideas and expand on them. Otherwise, if you start working on individual blog posts, it’s easy to assume that you’ve covered all the important topics and there’s nothing left to write about.

For instance, if you’re a financial services provider, your pillar content will be centered around main products, such as personal loans and vehicle loans. Pillar content is designed to contain the A-Z of each topic, so you’ll have plenty of subtopics you can use to hatch new blog ideas.

24. Create Curated Blog Posts

There’s a lot of emphasis on coming up with unique blog topics and creating content that’s 100% original. While this is laudable, it’s possible to catch a break and still deliver valuable content through content curation. Let’s look at some of the best ways to curate new blog content.

  • Roundup popular posts.

    Start by looking at topics that are trending in your industry, then gather all the popular posts associated with a specific topic. You can piggyback off the content’s popularity and establish credibility by including your own takeaway.

  • Roundup of best evergreen posts.

    Search for top-ranking blogs that have consistently performed and curate blog posts according to specific themes.

  • Curate guides and tutorials in the right order.

    Make life easier for your audience by organizing guides and tutorials sequentially, so the content is easier and faster to browse.

  • Curate the best answers to popular questions.

    We have already pointed out how Q & A websites are helpful when generating blog ideas. They are also an awesome resource if you want to create blog posts composed of the best crowdsource answers.

  • Curate statistics and facts.

    Your audience won’t have to chase after scattered facts and statistics. Instead, they can sift through all the data they need by simply visiting your blog.

Whatever approach you choose, your audience will certainly appreciate accessing valuable content collections and resources in one place.

25. Find Blog Post Inspiration from Your Product Roadmap

You can use your product roadmap to come up with things to blog about based on the lifecycle of your product. Say, for instance, you’re planning to release features at different points of the timeline. 

Each release can inspire a blog post topic and you can use these new ideas to generate epic interest by explaining how each feature provides value to your target market.

Other essential elements of your product roadmap, such as methodologies, strategies, and any major developments, can also spawn a wealth of fresh content ideas for your blog.

26. Give Idea Generators a Chance

Your audience, team, industry experts, and your brain are not the only idea generators you have. You can try online idea generator tools when you have exhausted your usual resources and still need one more way to come up with blog topics. Generally, idea generators work best if you already have a sense of the topic you want to write about. 

For instance, you can input a keyword or phrase, and the ideas generator will spit out multiple possible blog topics that can inspire you no end. Some idea generators can even help you develop an eye-catching and click-worthy headline, and that’s always one of the first steps to creating engaging and conversion-optimized content.

27. Hire a Blog Writing Service

Hiring a blog writing service like ours can be one of the most hassle-free ways of coming up with blog post topics. For instance, at the Content Panel, we not only have website content writers for hire to make the most of your topics, but we also have campaign managers that will continuously provide you with fresh and exciting topic ideas throughout the year.

The quest for new blog topics becomes more challenging as you scale up your business blog, so you’ll appreciate having someone working behind the scenes to find the best blog topics for your business. This leaves you with more time to focus on core matters. 

Your dedicated campaign manager will keep their eyes glued on critical trends in your industry and perform keyword research to develop profitable blog ideas. The best part is you’ll still have control over the whole process as you can decline topic suggestions and get alternative topic suggestions or request specific blog post topics.

Blog post topic ideas: An FAQ

What should I blog about?

To begin with, you should blog about topics that deliver value to your audience. Consumers are hungry for fluff-free content and will readily devour your blogs if they contain beneficial information. At the same time, Google rewards business blogs that create content focused on search intent and user satisfaction. 

Depending on your industry, popular blog post ideas tend to be about:

  • Current trends and news in your industry

  • How-to posts

  • Debunking myths in your industry

  • Product review

  • Behind-the-scenes posts

  • Answers to frequently asked questions

  • Guest post from industry experts

To make a long story short, there are a ton of topics you can blog about. For inspiration, you can read our section on how to find blog post ideas. If you don’t want to stress about finding stuff to blog about, you can always take advantage of our blog management service. When you sign up, you’ll be assigned a dedicated campaigner manager that will do the research on your behalf and make topic suggestions for your approval.

I have blog post ideas, but how do I write them? 

Once you come up with unique blog ideas, you can either write them yourself or outsource the work to a website content writing service like us. There are pros and cons associated with each approach. When you opt to write your own web content, you don’t have to worry about staying on-brand because you already know the style and tone of voice that best represents you.

On the other hand, writing your own content is a much taller order than you realize. Between outlining, editing, revising, and proofreading content, you’ll have less time to focus on your business. Even if you have an in-house writing team, you’ll still need to manage them.

Looking at the second option of hiring website content services, there’s always the concern that the people writing your content don’t know squat about your brand. Fortunately, we are a savvy website content writing service that always instructs our writers to check a client’s existing content before writing to ensure brand continuity. There are more pluses to hiring us, such as getting exclusive rights to 100% original, conversion-optimized SEO content.

We also have 3000+ website content writers for hire and A.I that will match you with the best writers with experience in your industry. To top it off, we will assign you a dedicated content manager to oversee the entire blog post writing process, so you can focus on running your business.

What are evergreen blog post ideas?

Evergreen blog content ideas tend to remain in style and relevant to your audience for a long time. There’s no specific timeline for how long evergreen content ideas should remain popular. The rule of thumb is that they should at least generate interest and attract more searches long after your content is published. 

Some evergreen content ideas can last forever, meaning your audience will always find value in visiting your blog if you utilize them. Other blog post topics last for years, enabling you to generate more engagement, links, visits, and conversions until new trends develop in your industry. Because evergreen blog topics last for a long time, they provide superb opportunities to create evergreen content that consistently attracts organic traffic and promotes social sharing of your content. 

The best way to discover evergreen blog post ideas is to do keyword research using tools like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer or Google Trends. When you analyze the search volume of each keyword, you’ll get a pretty good idea of whether a specific topic has maintained popularity over time. 

Common examples of evergreen blog post ideas include topics like How to save money and How to lose weight. However, you should keep in mind there’s a distinct difference between evergreen blog post ideas and evergreen blog content. For best results, ensure that you pair evergreen blog content with evergreen topics for maximum engagement.

What are newsy/trending blog topics?

Newsy or trending blog topics are the opposite of evergreen content. When you look at the search volume results for keywords related to newsy blog topics, they tend to peak for a short time and trail off after that. Again, there’s no specific timeline for how long newsy blog topics hold their relevance. Blogs published under a trending topic can begin losing value within hours or after a few weeks. So, does that mean you should never reserve space on your editorial calendar for newsy/trending blog topics? Not necessarily.

While evergreen content is popular because of its ability to help you rank higher in search engines and drive more traffic to your site, coming up with trend-focused blog posts has its benefits. Trending content ideas allow you to reach a wider audience. This can be achieved by posting a trending topic on social media and linking back to relevant content on your site. 

Trending topics are highly shareable and will attract visitors who are initially only interested in the trending topic but then end up sticking around to check out what your business has to offer. Again, when coming up with newsy blog topics, online resources and tools like Google Trends and BuzzSumo will give you an idea of which trend to ride and which keywords to use that are relevant to your industry.

What makes a good blog post topic?

Our post on How to Find Blog Ideas highlights many brilliant ways to generate blog post topics, but how do you know when you have a topic worth pursuing? Let’s list some of the top qualities of a good blog post topic:

  • It’s captivating at first glance.

    The main purpose of a blog topic should be to woo your audience into caring about what you have to say. Your blog post topic should easily convert into an attractive headline that’s engaging and cleverly worded. 

  • It’s relevant to your industry.

    Keyword research will show you which phrases to use in your blog topics to remain relevant to your industry. A great blog idea must have a strong link to your business’s products and services.

  • It’s relevant to your audience.

    It may not be that hard to find a blog post topic relevant to your business, but what’s in it for your audience? Keep this in mind when crafting your headline because the topic has to connect to your audience somehow.

  • It communicates without being wordy.

    You should end up with a headline that’s short, concise, and straight to the point. Your readers have a short attention span, so don’t be part of the content shock problem by being too verbose.

What makes a blog post idea a bad topic?

Coming up with a fresh blog post idea is always exciting but before you put more work into creating matching content, check first that the topic you have chosen isn’t a dud.

  • It’s not popular enough.

    Your blog post idea should be popular enough to generate comments and shares from your audience. Before writing your content, look at competitor blogs to see how well the topic is performing.

  • It’s incompatible with your audience or industry.

    Your blog topic may very well be incompatible with your audience, your industry, or both. If the topic is irrelevant, it’s a waste of time, no matter how engaging and well-written it is.

  • It’s difficult to link to.

    Behind every successful business blog is a strong link strategy, so coming up with a new blog idea is all for naught if the topic can’t be readily linked to other existing content on your site.

  • It’s got a low search volume.

    If Google shows that your audience hardly searches for information on a particular topic, consider bailing on the topic.

Do business blog topics have to be all about business?

Not at all! Running a business blog doesn’t mean you have to choose business-like topics. Consumers like brands with more personality, so it’s necessary to add some personal stories to your blog. This is the best way to make your business more relatable and approachable.

Personal stories help create an emotional connection because they aren’t always geared towards selling. By way of example, you can use a personal story based on your company history to demonstrate the obstacles you have overcome. Such stories can evoke feelings of inspiration and encourage the reader to root for you and check out more of your business information.

How far in advance do I need to plan blog post ideas?

It’s common for business blogs to plan their post ideas for up to a year in advance. However, it’s generally better to plan your blog post ideas a few months in advance to avoid the risk of serving stale content. Although it’s common for most blogs to fill their editorial calendar with evergreen topics, you should also leave room for time-based and event-based blog post ideas. 

That means you don’t have to necessarily plan all your content ahead of time since you have no way of knowing what the next big trend in your industry will be. For the most part, you can have a workable content calendar that features seasonal topics, evergreen topics and which leaves room for newsy or trending blog post ideas. Also, don’t be afraid to tweak your already-planned ideas if blog post inspiration strikes you later on.

Generally, there are many benefits of planning blog post ideas in advance. It ensures you have a system in place, so you don’t spend time brainstorming a topic every time you write a new blog. Since you already know what you have to write, you can dive straight into your research.

If planning your blog ideas ahead of time sounds like a hassle, you can always outsource this task to website content services like The Content Panel. We have campaign managers that will provide you with worthwhile topic suggestions at the beginning of each billing cycle. We also have website content writers for hire that can deliver ready-to-paste quality blog content to help you stay ahead of your content marketing goals.

What should you do when you run out of blog post ideas?

Once you have come up with all the obvious topics, it’s time to find more inspiration to keep those ideas flowing. Fortunately, we have created a comprehensive post that addresses this specific problem and explains the top ways to find blog post inspiration. For a TL;DR version, we suggest generating new blog ideas by repurposing existing blog topics, crowdsourcing, performing competitor analysis and keyword research, and using a blog post idea generator, plus more.

If the idea of scavenging for blog post ideas seems time-intensive, you can still have blog post ideas delivered to your doorstep when you use a blog writing service like The Content Panel. Besides offering website content writers for hire, we offer blog topic suggestions tailored to your industry, courtesy of our dedicated content managers.

Are duplicate blog post topics a bad idea?

There’s nothing wrong with stealing ideas for your blog posts, but there’s everything wrong with duplicating blog post topics. Stealing ideas is a great way to fire up your inspiration as you find better ways to provide more value to your audience. On the other hand, duplicating blog post topics involves copying them from somewhere and pasting them for use as-is without bothering to put your own unique spin on the topic.

Google isn’t a fan of duplicate content, and there’s the risk of getting penalized and hurting your site’s rankings. But this isn’t the most important reason why duplicate blog post topics are a bad idea. If you’re a business that values its brand, you should be focused on building your credibility, and part of that includes having a strictly-original content policy.

In instances where you’re trying to make the most of a popular blog post topic, it’s better to find ways to repurpose it rather than duplicate it. The easiest way to repurpose a blog post topic is to give it an “opposite spin.” For instance, if the original topic talks about what to do, the repurposed topic should reference what not to do.

Should I use a blog post idea generator?

Yes. If you read our section on finding blog post ideas, it’s one of the recommendations for when you need instant but easy inspiration. However, you should know that using an idea generator isn’t a magic bullet for discovering traffic-worthy topics. 

Generally, most blog post idea generators are great for inspiration and brainstorming only because you’ll often need to refine the titles to make them stand out more

How should you organize your blog post ideas?

The best way to organize your blog post ideas is to come up with a content calendar. To begin with, organize your ideas according to seasonal trends such as annual events. You can also organize your blog post ideas according to the following factors:

  • Frequency of publishing

  • Types of content

  • Different formats

Is there a framework for picking a blog topic idea?

There’s no specific framework for generating blog topics. That’s because while you can use various methods to find blog post inspiration, picking a great blog topic is mostly an intuitive and creative process. That being said, there are a few steps that can help streamline the process of generating blog topic ideas:

  1. Write down blog topic suggestions whenever you find inspiration.

  2. Perform keyword research to check if your suggestions are profitable

  3. Go over these suggestions and refine them to come up with catchy and conversion-optimized headlines.

What makes a blog topic profitable?

Unlike hobbyist bloggers that blog for the fun of it, business blogging is blogging with a profitable purpose. For a blog topic to be profitable it should generate interest and boost engagement on your blog. In addition, a profitable blog topic should also have the following qualities:

  • High search volume as shown by keyword research tools like Google trends

  • Relevant to your industry

  • Able to communicate valuable information to your audience

How can I tell if my audience is interested in the blog topics I choose?

The best way to come up with blog topics that generate interest is to crowdsource your ideas. That’s because you’re essentially allowing your audience to step up to the stage and give their opinion. You can ask questions and learn directly from your audience about the topics they are interested in. Through continual engagement with commenters, you can easily come up with a handy list of interesting blog topics.

Other ways to tell if a blog post topic will be a hit include:

  • Basing your topics on social media trending topics.

  • Browsing online forums where your audience lurks.

  • Looking at the competition to see what’s popular.

  • Performing keyword research to come up with search-worthy ideas.

Should I copy a blog post idea from another blog?

It’s not a good idea to copy a blog post idea from another blog. Firstly, it’s because having copied content on your site could affect your rankings, and secondly, it’s just not a good business and ethical practice. Now, stealing blog post ideas is a different kettle of fish because once you refine the idea according to your inspiration, it now has your brand’s personality all over it, and your audience will be able to tell the difference.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to copy a blog post idea, such as when you curate blog posts, but the standard practice is always to give credit where it’s due. In addition, you’ll still have the opportunity to insert your personality into the blog post by sharing your opinion and providing fresh and relevant insights that are helpful to your audience.

What are the most popular blog topics?

Business blogging has been big for a while now, and whatever your niche or industry, there are blog topics that have proven to be popular and can boost customer engagement and ROI. Typically, these topics are centered on the following types of articles:

  • How-to or beginner guides

  • Product reviews FAQs

  • Personal stories related to your brand

  • Trending News

  • Lists