The Ultimate Guide to Travel Content

What is Travel Content?

Travel content strives to produce consistent communication materials (blog posts, images, videos, etc ) that customers will find helpful while crawling through the web. Travel content does not promote a brand like traditional advertising. The main focus here is on giving away the value-rich information to receive back the trust and conversions.

Travel content writing goes beyond selecting elegant phrases and doing some standard preparations. It’s all about reflecting on never-repeating experiences that push people to walk in the writer’s shoes. So, whenever the quality of the copy is on top, you wish to be the other person, reliving it.

Why Do I Need Travel Content?

Increase SEO Ranking = Increase Traffic on Listing

The goal of high ranking in the search results is to pull as much traffic as possible from the search channel. SEO can increase your web traffic by featuring in relevant searches.

Provide User Experience

Modern customers are not just interested in products or brands; when they make purchases, the experience of buying is just as important as what they are looking for. So you have to provide the relevant information in a comfortable way.

If they encounter sites that are confusing and hard to use, customers naturally recoil. They want simple ways to find product information, discover brand backgrounds, and – most importantly – make their purchases.

Inspire Clients/Visitors/users

If you want to inspire travelers, content is the right choice! Because People trust organic content more than paid advertising. If you delight the visitors, they will tend to share it with their surroundings. We call it word of mouth, giving you better results than splashing the cash on commercials.

Drive Conversions

Lead conversion occurs when a person converts lead into account/form/opportunity. It opens room for various actions. Therefrom, you can gather relevant data from your target audience and use it in your marketing strategy.

Travel content can influence thousands of customer decisions by aligning proper strategic approaches. Travelers fancy broadening their horizons and learning more about their favorite cultures. Here, you can stimulate long-lasting relationships. Guide them through an inspirational journey!

What Can Travel Content Achieve?/Who Should Use Travel Content?

Developing travel content is always a good idea, especially when we want to:

  • Raise brand awareness
  • Start valuable communication with the target audience
  • Gain new customers through content marketing
  • When listing a new product

Personas who need travel content are:

  • E-commerce managers
  • Hotels
  • Tourism companies
  • Marketing managers

What are Travel Content Types?

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions contain general facts about the travel destinations. You can get information about the different seasons, climates, cultures, and much more.


When planning a trip, must give quick facts about, e.g., how much public transportation costs? Is there a metro connection? Do I need a visa? etc

Personal Travel Diaries/Travel Blog Articles

Personal travel blogs are about the individual’s feelings, plans, thoughts, and particular adventures. People love the idea behind the blog is a person like them sparking honest conversations throughout the net.

Industry News

“Little industry-related updates never killed nobody,”, especially during the pandemics. The vast majority of people are searching for travel regulations. They are looking for destinations where vaccinated ones can travel.

Relevant Tips

Providing helpful information to readers, that’s what content marketing is all about! If it is well structured and produced, they make you want to travel.

What Should the Travel Website Include?

Finally, It’s time for vacation! I will pack my bags.

That’s what your audience needs to think and feel. Before making this decision, people tend to zoom in on the travel agencies, destinations, and accommodation. So, the mission is to help them arrive at conclusions.

Travel Blog Articles

Instead of dry facts, you can share real travel tales that animate the rhythm and lifestyle of cities. Users love authentic, first-hand travel experiences. Yes, that’s what makes you pack the bags. Moreover, it supports travelers to understand better what to expect from their long-wished vacations.

Visitors do not perceive travel blogs as marketing communication tools. People like listening to exciting stories; that’s what we do daily.

Travel Product Descriptions

Try to transport readers to the destination itself. Use vivid language which conjures up the long-awaited trips. Travel product descriptions contain general facts about different seasons, climates, cultures, and much more.

It helps visitors to better prepare for the upcoming trip. Everyone wants to grasp even small details to avoid uncertainty. The trick is to organize this information and make readers feel like traveling there themselves. Thus, it’s about writing texts that are more informative yet emotional at the same time.

Travel Brochures

A travel brochure is a Short magazine enriched with beautiful images, descriptions, and specific data about places. The information presented here is lengthy and detailed. Travel Brochures highlight prices, events, suggestions, and calls to action (CTA).

When it comes to travel brochures, photos take a decisive role. It draws attention to the particular destination. If you add a descriptive copy to the colorful background, you can get an effective mixture.

Translated and Localized Travel Content

If you want your brand to be global, people around the globe should understand you. Especially travel content can attract tourists from around the world. The translated content is an excellent source of lead generation, but translation alone is not enough. It needs to be localized and adapted to the respective target market. Places, people, brand names, but also sayings or idioms should be as familiar to readers in the other language as those of the original text.

Online interactions are the key factor when choosing a vacation destination. Travelers refer to search engines to narrow down their choices. But Sometimes, countless offers and promotions overwhelm them.
So, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you should develop a content marketing strategy.

Getting Started With Travel Blog

Do you want to increase the chance of content success? Then you have to compose a travel blog strategy. Let’s dive into details.

How to Get Started with Travel Content?

Define Goals

The crucial ingredient of any strategy is goals. Before you start brainstorming great content ideas, you should ask yourself: Why am I doing this? Creating content without clarifying this question is like shooting in the dark. You can get lost in blogging, but your efforts could perish.
So, the first step is to define your goals. You may have heard of SMART goals flowing on the web; it is worth a try. 
You increase the likelihood of achieving your goals if they are verifiable:

S = Specific (specific, that is, your goal should not be “more success,” but for example, “more revenue”)
M = Measurable (measurable: Choose clear and quantifiable key performance indicators)
A = Accepted (objectives must have a recognizable meaning to be accepted by all parties)
R = Realistic (realistic, workable; the goal must be achievable)
T = Timebound; ( Specify a time when you reach the goal)

Come Up with a Name

The first thing you should do is come up with a name. Your blog’s name will be the headline of your home page. And you must choose something catchy, unique, and understandable. It helps if the name has a meaning. For example, “My Travel Blog” or “Traveling the World.” It is also essential that your name is unique and search engine friendly.

Set Up Your Domain and Hosting

The next thing your blog needs is a theme. This will be the visual appearance of your blog. Your structure and content will be based on this theme. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, and there are thousands of themes to choose from. Once you have chosen a theme, it is up to you how you want your blog to look. There are many ways to present your content, and they all have their pros and cons. 

Once you have your theme, go ahead and set up your hosting. Hosting is the backend infrastructure that will allow you to get the blogger software installed on your site. This is also when you can install plugins and widgets. Once you have your hosting in place, it’s time to get your blog up and running.

Define Audience Personas

The audience persona is the universal record of your ideal customer on:

  • Demographics – gender, age, ethnicity, income, etc
  • Goals and Values- what are the goals and standards or judgment they stand on?
  • Behaviors – how do they act in specific situations?
  • Challenges – what are the challenges they want to tackle to simplify their daily lives?
  • Source of Information – what channels do they use to receive information? (Social media, digital media, tv, magazines, personal experiences)

Find Topics Your Personas Care About

Before you start, it’s essential to understand who your personas are and what they care about. It would be best if you matched their interest with your content. So, If you work hard to understand the challenges and pinpoints of your personas, it will bring you many insights.

Travel SEO Keyword Research

SEO research is an integral part of content creation. It gives us ideas about what’s trending on Google and keywords people use in the search query.

Keyword: It’s a search term that you want your page to rank. Let’s say people are searching for a specific keyword (travel content) or phrase. They should find you on the Search Engine Result Page.

For the Keyword research, you will need to use some tools

Google Search Console

Ahref’s Keyword Explorer


Take Good Pictures for Travel Blogging

When you begin to travel long-term, you will need to take a lot of pictures. You want your blog to look professional and attractive, so you must take inspired photos.

Create Editorial Calendar

With an editorial action plan, you can gather all the essential information at a glance. You can plan significant dates and avoid getting yourself in a spin. Besides the title or topic, the editorial action plan should also include the category, the target group, and a short description. It would help if you also considered who should write the article and, of course, when it has to be published. 

Where Do I Get Travel Content From?

External Resources

Using external resources, such as agencies and freelancers, will save you time. If you hire a great agency, you will connect with a team of experts covering immeasurable ground for you. Not only that, you keep both costs and quality under control at all times.


You can also create content by attracting guest bloggers who will help turn your blog into a thought-provoking space. It can also raise the domain authority.

Internal Resources

You can also produce the content internally. If you have a specific team who will commit to content can go for it.
Last but not least, content strategy is not solely a marketing initiative. Therefore, you must create the content strategy and integrate it within the organization. To keep things under control, you can nominate the person responsible for content curation: managing, scheduling, implementing, etc.

Getting Ready to Kick off

Starting a blog for the first time is incredible. Thinking that people all over the net could read your blogs is something special. But there are some steps to undertake before beginning it.

How to Get Your Travel Blog Up and Running?

Come Up with a Name

Creating a blog is straightforward, but finding the right name is more challenging. There are plenty of categories of travel bloggers out there. They take their names from their profession and personalities. You can too. Here’s a list of some examples:

  • “Adventure Blogger”
  • “Backpacker Blogger “
  • “Foodie Blogger”

What do these bloggers have in common? They each have a niche, expertise, or passion that sets them apart.

Set Up Your Domain and Hosting

When it comes to hosting, you have two options: a WordPress blog or an e-commerce platform. WordPress is more popular than ever, and if you don’t already have one, it’s simple to set up on your own. The downside is that you’re not in full control of its administration. On the other hand, an e-commerce platform allows you to get a little more creative with your blog’s branding and design.

Choose a Blog Theme

There are several options for blog themes. Choosing one that fits your brand and personality will impact the visitor experience.

Start Creating First Travel Blog Posts

Start creating blog posts that are useful to your audience. Are you new to blogging? Start with the basics like travel destinations and experiences and details on how to get there.

Are you an experienced blogger? Start with your niche and write about specific experiences or topics you know a lot about. 

Start blogging, even if you’re beginning from scratch. Consistency is key to building a loyal audience of readers.

How to Track Travel Content Success

We have already agreed on the significance of developing goals; therefore, tracking them to understand our client’s current weather is vital. Here you can see the list of recommended KPIs.


Track your booking numbers; if it is growing, then you are on the wheel.

Itinerary requests

Increased itinerary requests indicate that engagement is rising.

Customer questions

More customer questions= more opportunities to develop human touchpoints.


Check how many visits you have in a given period and compare it to previous results.

Traffic Source

Where does the traffic come from? It will draw the picture of efficient as well as under-performing channels

Page Views

It can state whether the topic you went through was compelling.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who leave the website after viewing only one page.

Average Time on Posts

It is a great way to measure engagement and relevance.

Mobile Performance

The majority crawls through search engines on mobile devices. They don’t want to waste a second of it waiting for the page response.

Popular Pages by Views

What pages are the traffic drivers? Knowing it can help you analyze what works best for your target audience.

Title for This Block

How do you generate leads? In this case, what’s more, effective social media or email?