The Social Network trailer

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In this interview with Divya Narendra, he
states that the ConnectU Facebook
litigation process is not over. For the
first part of the interview, he talks
about his company, which is a
mix of Wikipedia and social networking
that allows buy-side investment analysts
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decided to start the company.

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Timberlake in The Social Network movie)
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Sean Parker Interview by David KirkpatrickSean Parker Interview by David Kirkpatrick

David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect
author, interviews Sean Parker, who talks
about the Causes fundraising app and his
involvement with Chatroulette, a
video-based chat site that randomly pairs
users together to converse.

British PM's Video Call with Mark
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Watch Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg engage
in a video call with Prime Minister David
Cameron. They discuss how Facebook will
be used to enable the British public to
become more active in helping the
policymakers figure out ways that Britain
can slash spending and save money.
However, the most enjoyable part of the
video is the fact that Mark Zuckerberg is
wearing a T-Shirt.

Tour Facebook HeadquartersTour Facebook Headquarters

A look at the evolution of Facebook’s
headquarters is focused on, including
their recent expansions in Menlo Park,
which have ultimately created a “town” in
and of itself.

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss Facebook
InterviewCameron and Tyler Winklevoss Facebook

Twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are
interviewed with regard to their feud with
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. They
discuss why they plan to continue to fight
for what they feel is their rightful share
of the company. They close the interview
by saying that the last chapter in their
battle has yet to be written.

ABC News: Inside FacebookABC News: Inside Facebook

‘Nightline’ talks with Facebook founder
Mark Zuckerberg. Diane Sawyer interviews
the CEO at the Palo Alto offices. He
emphasizes that The Social Network movie
is “fiction” and refers to it as
a “distraction” that he and his
employees should not be too focused on.

Mark Zuckerberg Reacts to The Social
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Facebook Effect author David Kirkpatrick
and interviewer Guy Raz to talk about the
impact of Facebook. He also reacts to The
Social Network movie, which he labels