The Professor’s Blog

  • Listen Up Students: How to Select the Right College Fraternity or Sorority

    College offers students the potential for experiences that will stay with them for their entire lives. For some, this might mean joining a fraternity or sorority, as a way of meeting people and forming life-long connections.

  • 10 Hard to Live Without Items College Students Overlook

    It’s easy to forget items when preparing to move into a college dorm, especially since, for many students, a dorm is the first place they live on their own. This article lists ten items that may not be on your dorm packing list, but you won’t want to live without.

  • 10 Ways to Get Involved in Student Campus Life

    Although you go to campus to learn, it is also beneficial to get involved in one or more communities on campus. Below are ten suggestions for meeting new people and expanding your social and educational experiences during college.

  • How to Train Your Brain to Think Like a Genius

    Training your brain to think like a genius can be done online. With so many different websites to choose from, it is possible to train your brain to focus and think critically with games, charts, forums, eBooks, and more.

  • Five Steps to Get Your College Education After Leaving the Military

    Figuring out how to return to civilian life after service can be difficult, but making good use of veteran benefits to learn marketable skills can help. This article breaks down the process of going back to school into five steps.

  • Roadmap to Becoming a Professional Video Gamer: From Degree to Career

    Research what it takes to become a professional video gamer. Learn about education requirements, responsibilities, job outlook and salary to find out if this is the career for you.

  • How to Cram for a College Exam

    Cramming for a college exam can be challenging and stressful. However, if you take just a few recommended steps, you just might feel confident enough to meet the challenge head on.

  • 25 Banned Books That You Should Read Today

    If you’re looking for some good reads that are considered controversial, then this blog will provide you with a list of banned books. Books range from classic novels touching on sensitive and taboo topics to more recent works of fiction that are opposed by conservative groups.

  • 10 Ways to Become a Better Writer

    Whether for work or pleasure, writing is a useful skill to keep sharp. Each person’s best writing practices will differ, but the following tips can help as you continue to develop your writing method and style.

  • 10 Work Desk and College Dorm Gadgets You Must Have

    A plethora of tools are available to make college coursework and dorm life a little bit easier. In this article, read about a few of the products out there and why they’re so great.

  • Career Alternatives for Humanities Majors

    There are many career alternatives for humanities majors, and plenty of them are discussed in this article. Areas of employment include anthropology, art history, and publishing.

  • Essential Tips for Choosing a Major

    Determining what to study in college is typically a personal decision. If you’re not sure, this article will discuss some ways to clarify your uncertainty for a clearer and focused way of choosing a major.

  • Top Internship Opportunities for 2010

    Internships are a great way to test-drive a career and may even lead to a full-time job after graduation. Read on to learn more about the top 10 internship programs for 2010 and find out how you can land one of these resume-boosting opportunities.

  • Going Green: The Top Eco-Friendly Colleges in the U.S.

    The top eco-friendly colleges in the U.S. are ranked each year by the Sierra Club’s official magazine. Schools are awarded points in a multitude of categories, with general areas that include energy, investments, innovation, food, water, and transportation. Learn which schools made the 2015 ranking list.

  • Finding the Right School: Colleges and Universities Across the Country Show Improvement in Student Satisfaction

    The recently-released 2009 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) suggests that the quality of undergraduate education in the U.S. is steadily improving as schools work hard to engage students in a variety of measures aimed at making postsecondary education more effective.