The Journey of Michael Arrington From A Tech-Blogger To TechCrunch

This platform attracts approximately 37 million viewers every month, thus demonstrating the site’s immense popularity. However, to reach such heights, TechCrunch had to demonstrate dedication, persistence, and hard work. Therefore, you can make money online, and there are many writers who have become millionaire bloggers such as the founders of TechCrunch.

Background Information on

The story of
TechCrunch began in 2005 when its founder Michael Arrington published his
first blog. The article was shedding light on companies that were escalating
Web 2.0. By then, Arrington was a part-timer blogger, but his work was gaining
popularity as well as attracting venture capital. The company was located at
Arrington’s house, but today the American online publisher is located in the
Bay Area.

In 2006, Arrington
announced the acquisition of YouTube by Google, and this was the turning point
of TechCrunch. From that time onwards, larger online and famous news media
houses began quoting Arrington’s viewpoints on this acquisition. This was the
start of TechCrunch’s success. Although Arrington is no longer the TechCrunch’s
CEO, much of its success is attributed to him.

The Entrepreneurial Journey
of Michael Arrington

Michael Arrington
was engaged in different successful entrepreneurial ventures. The following are
some of his remarkable endeavors.

  • He abandoned his career as a lawyer in the merger and acquisition
    space to join Real names, and this project raised more than $100 million.
  • He partnered with his friends to establish Achex, which is an online
    payment company.
  • Arrington created, which is an online movie and DVD rental
    kiosk. Others were and Edgeio.
  • He was a member of the board of directors of Foldera.
  • Michael Arrington served as the COO of Razorgator.

Although he began
blogging as a hobby, he later discovered that his useful posts were attracting
a wider audience. For that reason, he began publishing several articles every
day, and to create high-quality blogs, he needed great focus. He endeavored to
produce excellent content articles each day, and in no time they gained
popularity. This became the secret behind the TechCrunch success story.

The Growth of TechCrunch

grew to $10 million in the annual gross revenue, and in September 2010, AOL
acquired TechCrunch at approximately $40 million. Arrington later resigned from
his editorial position in September 2011. He established CrunchFund, which is a
venture capital platform that supports technology startups. Arrington couldn’t
edit a site that was covering the tech startup ecosystem, yet he was running a
venture fund. Thus, he stepped down from TechCrunch due to conflict of

When Arrington was
working with TechCrunch, he ensured that all the articles were completely
transparent since the two main pillars of TechCrunch are honesty and
transparency. Today Arrington has a personal blog called UnCrunched, which has
a similar foundation like TechCrunch. All his articles are pure nugget of
truth, transparent, and about entrepreneurs.

On the other hand,
TechCrunch is currently dedicated to covering technology news and startups, as
well as reviewing innovative internet products and services. Further, the
company is now a one-stop destination for startups. It is has established two
startup competitions, namely TechCrunch Battlefield and TechCrunch Disrupt,
which are held four times every year in London, LA, New York, and San

These platforms support new ventures that have no prior press exposure. 15-30 startups are invited to pitch in front of judges who are entrepreneurs, technologists, investors, and a large live audience. The finalists are awarded $50,000 and the Disrupt Cup. Further, each contestant receives huge media and investors’ attention. For that reason, TechCrunch is a free platform that supports startups by matching them with investors.

The reason behind
TechCrunch’s success as a one-stop destination for startups and investors is a
huge database for startup ecosystem called Crunchbase. It contains details
about startups, investors, and incubators. Other information is mergers,
acquisitions, and funding. Since 2015, Crunchbase is a private entity after
splitting from TechCrunch.

The Crunchies is
an award ceremony that recognizes and rewards compelling startups, internet and
technology-related innovations, and venture capitals. Thus, since 2005 to date,
Arrington is concerned about the quality of the content that is published on
these platforms and the current contributors to the blog are demonstrating a
similar outlook. TechCrunch is a great viral blog in the history of blogs and
the field of entrepreneurship.

The Secret of Becoming a Successful

Passion: Michael
Arrington had an absolute passion for blogging about technology and

Don’t Write With The View Of
Making Money:
Start blogging as a hobby, as Arrington did.
It’s his story about the acquisition of YouTube by Google in 2006 that brought
him into the limelight but not his efforts to become a millionaire that turned
him into one.

Write, Write, and Write: Michael
began blogging on a part-time basis because he was working as a lawyer. However,
when his article became popular, he began writing more articles. As a result,
making money online gave him freedom; thus, he resigned from his career as a
lawyer and concentrated on blogging and other successful ventures such as
establishing platforms to support and mentor the startups.  


Michael Arrington
is the founder of TechCrunch, who was a part-time blogger. His posts that were
focusing on technology began attracting increased attention, and a result this
blogger resigned from his career as a lawyer to focus on his writing job and
engage in other ventures.

Arrington resigned
as an editor when AOL acquired TechCrunch, and he established UnCrunched citing
conflict of interest since the online publisher was covering the startups’
ecosystem while the later platform was funding and mentoring new entrepreneurs.

On the other hand,
Arrington upheld TechCrunch’s two core values, namely honesty and transparency.
He engaged in blogging out of passion and not to make money. As a result of his
hard work, consistency, and quality content Michael Arrington rose from a mere
tech blogger to TechCrunch.