The Japanese Minimalist Lifestyle with TOOTHPIC NATIONS

The term ‘Less is More’ truly resonates with many people worldwide, wishing to cut unnecessary clutter from their lives, only to use what’s needed to live a more spiritual existence. In recent times, the term “Japanese minimalist” refers to a lifestyle based on Zen Buddhism’s emphasis on life necessities. The concept of Zen allows us to acknowledge ourselves without personal belongings, hence appreciating the more essential elements of life.

For example, having a bed, desk and chair, including some kitchen necessities within our home, is more than enough for Japanese minimalists to get by.
Questions then arise; do we need a TV? Or Xbox/Playstation? Or anything related to consumerism? The answer is simple when the word ‘need’ adds to a question – No.  

Of course, it’s easier said than done when decluttering one’s home. However, finding a good place to start is essential, and perhaps cutting out the old and adding some new can make this difficult transition a bit more manageable.