The First Blog Posts You Should Write as a New Blogger

A question I often hear is “what should my first blog post be about?”

One of the most challenging aspects of being a new blogger is coming up with blog post ideas.

It can be tough trying to figure out what to write about on your new blog.

This can be the toughest part of starting a blog because you might not know where you should start.

When you decided to start a blog, you probably imagined the many different blog posts that you would write, but which ones come first?

It can be pretty intimidating to figure this out and often times bloggers get so stuck they don’t start with anything.

But there is a method that you can use that I call the “journey” method.

Consider Trying the “Journey” Approach

When writing content for your new blog, why don’t you consider trying the “journey” approach?

What does this mean? Well, let’s say your blog is about parenting.

Parenting has a crazy amount of topics so it can be pretty hard to decide what you should write about first.

If you take the journey approach, the first step in the parenting journey is usually pregnancy.

For that reason, you would start writing posts about pregnancy (if that’s something you wish to cover).

By starting with pregnancy that allows you to tackle all of the problems that pregnant women face.

When you feel like you’ve done a sufficient job with that then move on to taking care of babies.

Once you’ve done a sufficient job of that, you can tackle toddlers, small children, preteen, and teenagers.

Please understand that you don’t have to be exhaustive with your blog posts and cover every topic in-depth before moving on to the next one.

You simply want to make sure you’ve covered a topic well enough that you feel comfortable moving on to the next one.

This might mean 3-5 posts, or it could mean 20-30. It’s up to you. The point is you’re starting the journey at a specific point.

A place of reference that your audience can follow.

Another huge benefit of following this technique is that it lays out your content strategy for you.

  • January you write about pregnancy.
  • February you write about babies.
  • March you write about toddlers.
  • And so on and so on.

Think of another great post for pregnancy? Nothing wrong with that, just write it up!

You’ve now added another experience to the people starting at that particular point in the journey.

Stop Thinking That Everything Has Been Written

One issue new bloggers face is believing that everything that they write has to be so unique that it has never been written before.

Sticking with the parenting blog idea, you might want to write about baby shower ideas.

However, there are 100s of posts on that topic already, and you don’t want to be another clone.

Recommended Reading: 250+ Blog Post Ideas That Your Readers Will Love

But the thing with blog posts is that none of them are ever totally unique. If every topic under the sun has already been written, that is okay.

The point is that they haven’t been written by you yet. Your point of view on a particular topic is what makes the blog post unique, and that is why you should write that blog post.

If you really are just going to sound like another blogger, then you shouldn’t waste your time, but odds are your voice is unique to you along with your insights.

That’s what makes your blog special, so don’t ever shy away from writing a post that has already been written.

Covering Multiple Topics

Does this strategy work if you’re a (for example) lifestyle blog that covers various topics?


What if your lifestyle blog covers travel, organization, and cooking?

Each of those topics become their own individual journeys.

You don’t have to stick with one topic before moving to the other. With this technique, you can easily map out the next 6-18 months of lifestyle blog posts, and that doesn’t include the ones that come up during the journey.

Recommended Resource: I use and recommend Grammarly for making sure my content is free of spelling and grammar errors.

The Beginner Audience is the Larger Audience

You might be thinking that you want to write about advanced stuff.

For travel, it might be How to Sneak into the Delta lounge in the Atlanta Airport and while that will probably be a nice post, how big is the audience for it?

No matter what topic/niche you are going to write in, the beginner audience is always going to be larger than the advanced audience.

So when you write about how to find cheap flights to Europe, that audience is going to be larger than the airport lounge one.

This means you have a chance of getting more traffic and more subscribers to your mailing list.

Why is this important? Because when you do write on advanced topics, the audience that is going to care about them are the ones in your mailing list.

The reason why is because they’ve been through your journey and the beginner posts and are ready for the advanced stuff.

When starting a blog think about the person that is new to your topic. They know some of the stuff, but they are still at the beginning stages.

Your job is to walk them through their own journey on that topic and as you do your content library will go and become an invaluable resource to readers of all levels.

Recommended Resource: MiloTree is a smart pop-up that will help you increase your social media followers. I used MiloTree to gain over 40,000 Pinterest followers. Try MiloTree for free.

We All Have to Start Somewhere

The fact of the matter is that the best place to start a blog is the place you’re at now.

A blog has to have a beginning, and that beginning never happens until you publish something.

You’ll quickly find that after you publish one post, it becomes easier to publish the next.

This continues to build as long as you continue writing and publishing. By no means is this the only method of writing and publishing that you can use.

There are plenty of others, but this method can help you visualize the path of your blog moving forward.