The Electric fields

Creative Commons License
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

The Electric fields

This lecture is based on HRW, Sections 23:8-9

  • An electric charge q in an electric field E
    feels a force

                   F =  q E

    The direction of the force is the same as that of E
    (if the charge is positive) or opposite to it (if charge is negative).

  • A charged object in a uniform electric field feels a constant
    force, and hence undergoes a uniform acceleration —
    just like an ordinary object in the uniform gravitational field
    near the Earth’s surface.
  • An electric dipole p in a uniform electric field E
    feels a torque which causes it to rotate:

                torque =  p x E

    The direction of the torque is given by the vector cross product
    of p and E.

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Creative Commons License
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.