The Electric Tale of Pikachu Vol. 1: The Electric Tale of Pikachu

My favorite manga series of all time. I will warn you that, as a 90s manga series, it has objectification of women, gender stereotyping, and sexism, which are non-existent in the anime. The objectification is mainly in the Japanese version of the manga, as the English version mostly covers up the women and flattens their chests. If you’re fine with that, in the context of this being a product of the 90s, then you’ll love it. Also note that the English version has a ton of dubbing errors, like giving plenty of characters, moves, places, etc. the wrong names, but who cares? The drawings speak for themselves.

In this issue, Ash becomes a Trainer, steals Misty’s bike then battles her for a Badge, helps save Lavender Town and Sabrina from an ancient Haunter, and befriends Misty, Brock, and Tracey (and Gary, somewhat).

Themes include looking out for friends, being a good sport, appreciating the little things in life, stepping out of your comfort zone, and learning when to let go.