The Effects of Environmental Factors on Small-Scale Business

Environmental factors refer to external influences on a business that it has limited control over but that it must consider as part of strategic planning, according to Lumen Learning. Typically, environmental factors addressed by companies fit into four categories – social, legal, political and economic. These factors affect small businesses in different ways than larger competitors.

Common Social Factors

Social environmental factors in business include societal movements, changes in public values and attitudes people in the marketplace have toward working for your business. If you operate a small casual dining restaurant, you must recognize societal trends toward healthy lifestyles and food consumption habits.

Doing so allows you either to promote alternative values to fit your current offering or to adjust your operation to compensate for the trend. Maintaining a positive public image improves your ability to attract local workers as well. With consumer’s increasing desire to patronize companies that promote a “green” business model and demonstrate diversity, consider adding these practices to your business.

Different Political Factors

For a small company, political factors relate to your interaction with local governments and agencies. In general, you want to have a good working relationship with the mayor and city council members in a city or town in which you operate. This increases your ability to influence laws and codes that affect your business. Access to local funding and tax subsidies is a political issue as well.

At the national level, new legislation can impact your business. For example, the recent pandemic saw different stimulus programs for small businesses as the Trump administration transitioned to the Biden era.

Legalities to Watch

The legal environment is similar to the political landscape in the way it affects your business. Changes in laws or city ordinances may affect your business directly. If your target market is teens, for instance, a new curfew that requires people under 18 to be home by 11 p.m. may affect your hours of operation. New health and safety regulations affect restaurants and food vendors.

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts reduced the ability of your employees to claim business deductions, but not contractors, explains the Tax Foundation. Restaurants must keep current regarding any changes in state health department rules and regulations or risk fines or health department score reductions. Keeping up to date with the political climate will help you stay abreast of environmental factors that affect decision making.

Watch Economic Conditions

How will an increase in the minimum wage affect your business? A strong labor market can also increase wages and competition for workers heats up. When the economy tanks, your product might become more in demand if you’re a bargain brand, or your sales might drop if you’re a discretionary purpose. A strong housing market is good for carpenters, dry wallers, painters, roofers and other contractors. These trades people struggle when the housing market sees a significant downturn due to a variety of environmental forces in business.