The Disadvantages of Network-based Organization Structure

A network-based organizational model is a type of matrix structure that uses digital technology and specialized employees to complete assignments without the need of traditional work spaces. While this model allows employees and managers to function on more even ground, network-based organizational structure can also lead to conflicts due to a lack of formal hierarchy.

Digital Communication: Problems and Challenges

A network-based organizational structure depends on clear lines of communication to deliver project assignments and due dates to employees. The organizational model’s dependence on technology, including Internet connections and phone lines, to deliver these messages can cause delays in the process if computers crash or network traffic errors occur. Work progress effectively slows to a crawl while IT professionals work to repair digital communication issues. The lack of one physical location where all employees work leaves out the possibility of communicating project assignments in person.

Managerial Issues of a Networked Organization

The nebulous nature of a network or matrix organization structure requires an extra layer of oversight to manage employees operating in many different locations. These additional managers and supervisors can easily create confusion among satellite employees, especially if employees have multiple managers communicating work orders at the same time. All it takes is for a couple managers to deliver work orders in different ways to the same employees to create errors in project development plans and cause delays in completion as employees sort through two different sets of assignment details. Forbes suggests a coaching approach to management in order to help compensate for these drawbacks.

Network Organizational Structure: Sharing Workers

Traditional business departments don’t exist in the network-based organizational model. Because of this, sharing skilled workers between departments is a mandatory part of the process for the organization to function properly. According to Investopedia, in a matrix system, employees often shoulder responsibilities for more than one area of operations. This can lead to unfriendly competition among project managers and supervisors to secure the best employees for given assignments. Skilled workers in high demand may have multiple assignments in progress at any given time depending on the company’s total client roster. This can make it difficult for these employees to focus on assignments properly.

Increased Work Stress

The freedom associated with working away from a traditional office environment can disappear in a network-based or matrix organizational structure. At the same time, this organizational structure does not clearly define responsibility and jurisdiction within the company. Employees and managers may feel unable to associate with traditionally defined job roles. This leads to increased occupational stress because managers feel unable to supervise with customary authority and employees feel as though they’re working without any guidance or feedback. Project development and assignment completion can quickly break down in this murky environment.