The Cheapest (20 Cents) Flex Sensor

Hello everybody, this is a project made in order to build a robotic hand for an open day in university, to give visibility to a student association of which I belong, that engaged in promoting free and open source software.

I was searching for cheap flex sensor, I’m a student and I wouldn’t spend too much to build the hand. I found the solution realizing flex sensor with a photoresistor and a led, adding the resistor that the led and the photoresistor need directly in the sensor, in order to have a plug-and-play sensor with 3 wires to be connected: one for power supply, one for ground and the last for the data.

I hope that you’ll appreciate my work, enjoy it and make your own flex sensor almost without money! 🙂

…and, if you like it, vote it in some contest, thanks! 😀