The Business Journey | MKA Insights
When first asked to deliver on business objectives it is important to acknowledge that getting to the goal is a journey. A popular analogy is to consider sailing.
Practiced navigators know that before beginning any journey, they must have an understanding of the final destination by visualizing both the end as well as the path that will lead him/her there. The process involves an awareness of current surroundings combined with how to capture potential tailwinds while mitigating potential headwinds. This visualization also requires identifying key waypoints along the route to demonstrate progress as well as to reassess the path that he/she is on is in fact the correct one.
Prior to starting the journey, the navigator needs to perform a gap analysis to determine what tools, capabilities and proficiencies will be required for the journey that lies ahead along with a compass that will help course-correct should the crew start to veer off course.
Finally, a practiced navigator needs the ability to make the tough decisions – assess changes in currents and knowledge of what to do when obstacles arise.
Because developing a business strategy requires more than knowing what to do, it requires an understanding of how you do it.