The Best Budget Cuts of Beef: How To BBQ on a Budget

Barbecue season is in full swing, but between Memorial Day and July Fourth, you might have noticed that more of your party budget went up in smoke on the grill than you would have liked. Don’t worry, you have the whole rest of the summer to get it right — and all you have to do to get it right is shop around for bargain beef that can hold its own against any of the primo cuts.

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If you want to impress your guests but you don’t know what you’re doing, you might just grab whatever looks good in the meat aisle. If you do know a thing or two about which cuts come from which part of the cow, you might be inclined to buy a prestige steak with a famous name. 

Either way, you’re probably spending more money than you need to. With a little research, you can slash your bill by half or more by selecting budget cuts that don’t skimp on flavor, tenderness or texture.

Last updated: July 9, 2021