The Art Of Negotiation: 15 Tips For Business Leaders To Master

The best negotiators are also excellent communicators. So, if your sales team reps are trying to master the art of negotiation, then have them practice having tough conversations with each other through role-playing sessions.

Developing effective negotiation skills in a team comes down to time and effort employees and managers put in. By providing in-person examples or reference videos, managers can share beneficial feedback that builds the team’s confidence. Here are 15 tips that Forbes Business Development Council members have implemented to create a win for both the business and clients.

Forbes Business Development Council members share their insight.

Photos courtesy of individual members.

1. Learn To Be An Active Listener

Patience is a formidable weapon in any negotiation. To master it, you need to restrain your desire to persuade and get genuinely invested in listening to your counterparts. Not only does listening give you the answers to where the win-win solution lies, but it also helps you to get unstuck or declaw the attack if the situation gets heated. – Valerie Alfimova, Appodeal Stack

2. Align Stakeholder Success With Your Own

The art of negotiation is simple. If you are able to show the bigger picture of balance or uplift, equating the price you are charging with the active, emotional or implicit and explicit value that you are delivering, you will ace every negotiation. Make them believe that your success is tied to theirs. You are on their team, so not being myopic with short-term gains pays off. Lastly, do not take negotiations as an ego trip. – Gaurav Sarien, StatusNeo

3. Pace The Negotiation Stage

One of the keys to a successful negotiation is knowing when to negotiate. Too often, sales reps begin negotiating before the client is actually fully qualified and sold on your solution. For a negotiation to have ultimate success, it has to be a win-win for both you and your customer. – Julie Thomas, ValueSelling Associates

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4. Practice Having Tough Conversations

Increasing your confidence is essential. The best way to become confident is to practice tough conversations and get feedback from sales managers on areas that need improvement. Reps can submit a live customer call or a practice video showing how they handled an objection for managers to then review. Managers can leverage technology like conversation intelligence to provide point-in-time feedback at the exact moment of need. – George Donovan, Allego

5. Apply The Win-Win Paradigm

The win-win paradigm is the key to all successful negotiations, so infuse it into your being. Lay the foundation by discussing it at the start of every sales pitch and negotiation. It not only builds credibility and trust, it also relieves pressure and gives you the upper hand. Always remember that no deal is sometimes the best deal. Embody abundance and be willing to walk away. – Adam Webb, Sunder Energy

6. Deliver More Beyond Short-Term Needs

Focus on the value your company can provide long term, not simply on price. Potential customers will appreciate learning how your product can provide solutions to problems they may not have considered yet. More than executing a business function, customers are looking for partners who are in it for the long term and have the capacity to deliver more than what is being negotiated. – Vijay Sundaram, Zoho Corporation

7. Start From A Place Of Empathy

If you actively listen and put yourself in the other person’s shoes, you can better understand all of the factors driving their negotiation approach, which are often rooted in more than just dollar signs. For example, maybe they felt like they didn’t receive the perceived value in their last deal. By listening, you’ll be able to provide reassurances to quell these underlying concerns. -Javier Molina, Starburst

8. Develop A Flexible Mindset

The most important thing is the flexibility of thought, which translates into business tact. A good negotiator knows when to push their partner further and when to give them space and be more gentle. This flexibility, combined with open communication, allows for an artistic dance in negotiations, enabling both sides to work out solutions, even non-standard ones, with attention to culture and mutual respect. – Anna Jankowska, RTB House

9. Provide Clear Communication

Clear communication is critical to successful negotiation. Communication also includes comprehension and listening skills. In today’s society, excellent negotiation skills are framed by communication in multiple mediums, including phone, verbal and written—which can include email and social media amongst other forms. Skilled communicators are highly successful in all aspects of life. – Peter Schravemade, REACH ASEA

10. Ask Questions To Produce More Details

There is no silver bullet. However, if the prospect is asking how to do business with you, then you’ve gained control of the situation and have acquired leverage. You build this leverage by asking the right questions and demonstrating tactical empathy with those you’re negotiating with. Tactical empathy comes from asking vague questions that produce more details to strengthen your position. – Joshua Meunier, WinRate Consulting

11. Be Optimistic But Prepared To Walk Away

Know your worth, your negotiables and non-negotiables before entering a conversation. If there is alignment on these points and room to negotiate in areas on both sides, it is always going to be a more comfortable conversation rather than interrogation and posturing. Be optimistic but also be prepared to walk away if there isn’t alignment. It could be the best thing you ever did. – Anastasia Valentine, Wagepoint

12. Offer More Than One Option

Always have a plan B in your back pocket. It doesn’t hurt to give options one and two to a client. If they are budget conscious, then take away services. The best way to hone these skills is to do some roleplaying in your sales meeting. Let your team watch great negotiations in person. Record Zooms to let them rewatch and analyze. Make sure they know what objections they are walking into and how to overcome them. – Jessica Blais, VintageView Wine Storage Systems

13. Utilize The Parking Lot

Learn how to effectively use a parking lot for items that neither party can agree on at the current moment. Sometimes when you get further along in the negotiation, you can revisit these items with a different perspective based on the points already agreed upon. – Jethro Hopkins, Fulcrum HR Consulting LLC

14. Frame Your Pitch In The First Phone Call

Framing can make or break a deal. It’s not just about the pitch you give to a customer, it’s about the framing that your pitch is housed in. If you frame it the right way and with the right urgency, it can help you close more deals and close deals faster. Most people only frame for the close though but a true master framer starts framing with the very first phone call. – David Strausser, Vision33

15. Figure Out What Matters Most

First, it is important to understand what matters most to both sides. Then whenever you can, create a feel whereby both parties are essentially working together to solve issues rather than taking an adversarial approach. Use experts, including legal support, throughout the process. Do this especially as it relates to risk, but also try to agree on key economic items prior to legal involvement. – David Friedman, Venti Technologies