The 7 different types of social media

What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think “social media?”

Chances are, it’s one of the big four social media networking sites: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. (Or, since social media moves so fast, there might be a new kid on the block before we even publish this post.)

It makes sense that you’d think of these networks first.

A colossal social media network like Facebook attracts billions of people every day. It’s an important part of the marketing strategy for many businesses.

But social media sites like Facebook only represent one of the many types of social networking platforms. We’ll show you the seven different types of social media and how each one can play an important role for you and your business.

(And when we’re done here, head over to Biteable to make an attention-grabbing video to post one those sites. Start your free trial today and make your first video in minutes.)