The 6 Essential Business Case Templates

The required depth of analysis to support our business cases is based on the size and complexity of the investment decision. The business case for an investment of $5m or less is much simpler than the business case for an investment of $500m or more.

How Much Information Is Required to Get the Business Case Approved?

For significant investments and high-risk projects, the preliminary business is the first step in making the full business case. Preliminary business cases determine if the full business case is required, where the project merits are investigated in full detail. The preliminary business case cost estimates have a 20% tolerance, whereas the full business case costings have less than a 10% tolerance.

Cost-benefit analysis is one of the most critical parts of a business case as it is often the costs or savings a project yields which achieves the final approval to go forward. We use a set of discounted cash flow templates for financial, scenario and sensitivity analysis.

The detailed financial spreadsheets show precisely what cost and benefit information, and evidence is required; so that you do not miss any of the hidden costs or benefits.

It is crucial to quantify the project’s financial and non-financial benefits as much as possible in the business case.The required depth of analysis to support our business cases is based on the size and complexity of the investment decision. The business case for an investment of $5m or less is much simpler than the business case for an investment of $500m or more.For significant investments and high-risk projects, the preliminary business is the first step in making the full business case. Preliminary business cases determine if the full business case is required, where the project merits are investigated in full detail. The preliminary business case cost estimates have a 20% tolerance, whereas the full business case costings have less than a 10% tolerance.Cost-benefit analysis is one of the most critical parts of a business case as it is often the costs or savings a project yields which achieves the final approval to go forward. We use a set of discounted cash flow templates for financial, scenario and sensitivity analysis.The detailed financial spreadsheets show precisely what cost and benefit information, and evidence is required; so that you do not miss any of the hidden costs or benefits.