The 12 Best NAS (Network Attached Storage) to Buy in 2023

I know you’ll agree with me when I say this:

Nothing hurts more than losing your data.

We’ve all been there.

Months and years worth of documents, pictures, and video vanished in thin air.

The last time it happened with me, I said to myself, never again! That is when I started looking for a NAS (Network attached storage) which can backup my data regularly.

If you work in an office or in any number of commercial business settings, having a reliable Network Attached Storage (NAS) in place can be invaluable. Network Attached Storage functions just like independent cloud storage tailor-made for your business or company. It allows you to store all your business files and e-mail correspondence on a massive local network, and it has the capacity to grow and expand to meet ever-more-demanding storage needs.

Network Attached Storage functions just like independent cloud storage tailor-made for your business or company. It allows you to store all your business files and e-mail correspondence on a massive local network, and it has the capacity to grow and expand to meet ever-more-demanding storage needs.

In many ways, a NAS device is like a computer dedicated solely to the storage, archival, retrieval and connection of all your PCs. In addition to storing mass amounts of data that can easily be shared between computers tied into your local network, advanced NAS devices are equipped with RAM memory and computer processors. Where large files or large amounts of small files need to be accessed or transferred, the processor helps to speed up the process tremendously.

NAS devices aren’t necessarily cheap. A NAS that deals with a lot of multimedia files will cost you at least $500, and that does not include the size of the hard drives, which can cost anywhere from $50-$200. Nevertheless, when compared to the recurring costs associated with a cloud drive, the savings are not insignificant.

Just how much money can you save by using relying on network attached storage?
Well, depending on the service provider, one terabyte of cloud storage costs as much as $25/month. This means that 20 TB of active cloud storage could easily cost your business $500 every month. Even though it can cost several thousand dollars to buy NAS storage and several disk drives, your investment will pay for itself in a matter of months.

If you want to streamline your business operations, network attached storage can help. This guide will provide you with the information you need to buy the right NAS for your business.