That product you see online is dirt cheap. Should you be suspicious?

The three most important words in American manufacturing are Made in China.

In the online shopping world, that’s true, too. Major “brick and mortar” retailers continue to lose market share of sales to online vendors. Some vendors are China-based and try to sell direct to consumers without a middleman. Sometimes this works, but not always.

You may not know until you try to return something you bought. That’s when you learn you must ship the item back to China at your expense.

Now, many Chinese products are perfectly fine — and made by hard-working people in factories there — but marketers who get hold of the goods to sell sometimes overhype them.

In this Watchdog report, I talk to a suspicious shopper, a frustrated buyer and the president of a nationally known company who explains how to avoid being fooled by false advertising on products usually made in China. The goal here is to make you an even smarter shopper than you already are.

Cost to return products to China

Bill Randall of Hurst ordered two Hawaiian shirts at a terrifically low price of $20 each.

He thought it was a California business. That seemed to be confirmed when the package arrived: The return address was in California.

But the shirts were too small. That’s when he learned that he had to ship them back to China at his own expense. The cost was too high. Besides, he told me, “How would I ever know if the shirts got there?”

He gave up.

When I checked the website he used, I scrolled down to the bottom and hit the “Contact Us” button. That’s where I saw that the company listed an address in Hong Kong.

Is Temu reliable?

Sheryl Moore of Tyler wrote The Watchdog to ask about a site she found online: Temu (pronounced “team-you). Temu sells and ships from China.

“Prices seem very good. But is this a reputable company or another gotcha?” she asks.

Moore recalled that she saw a photo online of an attractive bathroom rug for only $6. “I think I’ll click on it and see what it’s all about,” she remembered thinking. “You know we all have a tendency to do that.”

Her question led to a fascinating answer. The other day, we got on the phone and together researched Temu.

First, we checked to see the basic history of the company. The company is only 3 months old.

Then we searched for reviews. On the Better Business Bureau website, we found about a dozen negative complaints from last month alone. Most dealt with shipping problems.

“They keep saying ‘wait until tomorrow,’” one customer posted.

“I have begged and pleaded,” another posted, “I have been nice. I have been hateful.”

We also found a story about Temu in Wired. The magazine explains that Temu “can beat Amazon by price by shipping direct from China.”

Temu doesn’t need to build a network of warehouses like Amazon because it eliminates the middleman by selling direct to consumers, Wired confirmed.

Wired added, “On Oct. 24, less than eight weeks after it launched, Temu was ranked 39 on the list of most downloaded free iPhone apps in the U.S.” Not bad for a rookie.

Temu executives did not return my inquiry.

Exaggerated ad claims

So we’ve looked at how to research a sales company’s record. Attempt to learn if it’s domestic or foreign. Find out through reviews if it’s trustworthy.

But what about the biggest problem in online selling, especially with products from overseas? That would be false advertising of product specifications.

Let’s look at ways unethical third-party vendors can do this.

Last week, I told the story of how I almost bought my wife Karen a monocular called StarScope. That’s one half of a binocular that can attach to a smart phone and take photos up to 5 miles away, according to the product marketing.

Then I got wise and checked reviews and after reading them, dropped the idea.

After that story appeared I heard from Richard Cameron, owner of Carson Optical, the preeminent U.S.-based manufacturer of magnifying glasses.

If you shop at a big box store, you’ll find Carson products on the shelves. Carson is big in Cabela’s, Walmart, Staples and others. In retail stores, Carson binoculars and magnifying glasses crush it, but in online sales the company is getting crushed.

Exaggerated false ad claims are the reason, Cameron says. Most of his products, like those of other companies, are made in China. But when they get advertised by others trying to sell them, the marketing is hyped, he says.

Richard Cameron owns the top magnifying glass company in the U.S. But his business is...Richard Cameron owns the top magnifying glass company in the U.S. But his business is threatened by third-party vendors who hype the specifications on inferior products. Here, he holds a monocular which he sells for $129. He says third-party vendors sell similar but inferior products, like StarScope, for $50 online.

(Dan Palumbo)

StarScope, which I almost bought, costs $50. Carson’s version costs $129. StarScope advertises tremendous magnifying powers. Cameron explains that the numbers like 5 miles are false.

“The marketing for the product is nonsense,” he says.

Honest magnifying glasses have a power of two or three times magnification. But some online products promise magnification of 30x.

People are going to buy the bigger number, thinking that’s a better deal.

What this means is if you see a magnifying glass with 10x or higher, it’s hyped.

Sellers get away with this because there’s no standard to meet and no certification required.

“We’ve lost a lot of online sales, Cameron says. “People make a split decision based on these claims, and I lose. People don’t realize they’re getting duped.”

StarScope makers did not return messages.

This monocular is sold by Carson Optical of New York.This monocular is sold by Carson Optical of New York.

(Courtesy Photo)

The same applies to vanity mirrors that people use to put on makeup. Magnified mirrors are not regulated. Cameron’s products are listed as 2x or smaller. Anything bigger, he jokes, and you’ll be so close a user can see up their nose.

An online search showed magnifying mirrors sold by competitors that list the power as 10x and 20x.

Cameron’s are 1.6x, 1.9x and 2x.

The lesson is that when there’s no measuring standard, some vendors make up bigger numbers, he says. Beware.

Same goes for other products such as flashlights advertised as being brighter — again, there are no regulations. Bed sheets, too, can be falsely advertised with high thread counts.

Think of all the products that exaggerate their power. I could go on, but The Watchdog hopes you get the idea.

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The Dallas Morning News Watchdog column is the 2019 winner of the top prize for column writing from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. The contest judge called his winning entries “models of suspenseful storytelling and public service.”

Read his winning columns:

* Helping the widow of Officer J.D. Tippit, the Dallas police officer killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, get buried beside her late husband

* Helping a waitress who was harmed by an unscrupulous used car dealer