Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry Interview Feedback

“Like everyone has said before me, “just be yourself.” Don’t go in trying to impress them with what you think they want to hear. Have a positive mindset going into the interview and be honest with the admissions committee and with yourself. Truly take a good look on why you want to pursue dentistry as a lifelong career and start practicing putting those thoughts into words and those words into actions (volunteering, community service, etc.). Get a good night’s rest the day before and make sure you know what to wear ahead of time. Show the interviewers who you are as a person instead of just telling them. They know your stats and everything that’s on your application, be prepared to show them the person beyond the application.”

“overall, loved the school!”

“Don’t stress. If you are invited for an interview it’s because you are what they are looking for. It’s just a personality check for the most part.”

“Love this school.”

“People were nice, but I didnt have a great DAT, so make sure you have something to say about that if that’s your case.”

“Great experience. Got a good feeling from the students on tour. Overall it was a great interview experience”

“The room they have the applicants chit-chat is way too small. The room is a long rectangle, so to listen to an applicant, you’d have to turn your head in non-ergonomic position.”

“The interviewers were super sweet, and it was very conversational which was great!”

“Overall is was a low stress interview.”

“Make sure you are ready to discuss your personal statement and academic record in detail. They really did take the time to read through my entire application.”

“I love this school. The admissions committee (Janet and Dr. Miller) are all very friendly. The interviewers were great too (Dr. Mcwatters and Dr. Honeyman). We were having conversations most of the time, it didn’t feel like an interview. I got to have a one on one with a dental student and she really just answered all my questions!”

“Would love to attend this school.”

“Grest experience nd awesome dental school!”

“Laid back interview.. Relax and be yourself. Don’t stress. It’s super chill.”

“I interviewed after the tour, and I felt that really helped me feel more comfortable in my interview. It gave me more questions to ask and to lessen my nervousness. Everyone there is so nice! Don’t stress about this interview. If you know what’s on your application and you’re a genuine person, you’ll do fine.”

“Impressive campus, cafeteria, students, staff, labs. Baylor really drives home the need for service for underserved communities, which was respectable. Good morals and resources. ”

“There are some fine ladies up in Baylor. Yes sir, your boy here is definitely looking forward to the chance to go to school there. I swear it looked like some models walking around in those scrubs. Hmmm….but aside from that everyone is really relaxed so don’t be stressed. Dr. Miller is the sweetest woman. Both of the women in the admissions office are awesome, I think I had the best conversations with them. The SIM lab is really nice, as are the other labs. I really hope and pray they send me an acceptance letter on December 1st! That would be a great birthday gift. ”

“It was very relaxing to the point that you think why are they interviewing me? I have low GPA and decent DAT so I don’t know whether they were not interested in me or not”

“Interviewing at Baylor was extremely comfortable. Everyone seems happy to be there.”

“I interviewed with Dr. Brooks, Dr. Miller and Dr. Roshan. Each of the interviews was really relaxed. Dr. Brooks was nice, but seemed somewhat intimidating. Her questions were very straight forward and were concerned more about the classes I have taken as an undergrad. Dr. Miller was probably the easiest to talk with. It felt more like a conversation and it was easy to talk with her. Dr. Roshan had more of a Q and A feel. I found it somewhat more difficult to hold an actual conversation with her. Overall though, all three interviewers were nice.”

“I interviewed with 2 faculty and the director of admissions Dr. Miller. Each interview lasts ~15 minutes. We toured and ate lunch with several 4th yr students. Overall a very low stress day no need to worry. 🙂 ”


“You basically do rotations with three or four other interviewees and you (when the interviewer is ready) will be asked to enter a room where he/she is sitting, looking at your file. you’ll find that while they are sometimes taking notes after they ask you questions, they are very friendly and extremely helpful in all that they do. In between interviews you can wait in the hall and talk about your interviews with the other interviewees so it worked out nice.”

“It really seemed that the students and the faculty DID NOT WANT ME THERE. It really pissed me off that they even gave me an interview in the first place if they were just going to give me such hell about it. My DAT scores and my GPA are both high so I dont know why everyone was trying to make me feel so inadequate. All 4 interveiwers kept telling me that I wouldnt be able to handle teh work load because I dont have as many bio classes as everyone else. They described their school as “living hell” “a blood bath” and they said that i’d probably “flounder through the curriculum”…. The students told me to turn back and run before it’s too late….what the heck?!”

“The three interviewer had very diferent personalities and diferent questions. One focused on academics, the other on community dent, and the last on why Baylor.”

“Very laid back. Dr.Brooks is very aggressive in her questions.She makes eye contact the whole time. Dr. Miller is a sweetheart. Very motherly. Dr. Williams just asked if I had any questions.”

“Awesome! ”

“Positive experience, did not get slammed with questions. Very laid back experience.

“Pre-interview session.
Financial aid talk.
Brag about Baylor talk.
Lunch with students.
Tour with students.
3 20-minute interviews.”

“Arrived and checked in. Financial Aid presentation. Dr. Miller spoke. Then lunch and tour of the facilities. Interviews and then we left.”

“Wonderful-I fell in love with the school. ”

“I am very satisfied the way the conducted interviews. The early you get there the early to will leave. I got there 9:55am and everybody else was already there so i was the last one to interview …left at 3:30pm
The students giving tour are evaluating you , so show enthusiasm and talk to them. ”

“AWESOME! I would have chosen this school had it not been for its location in Dallas — I have no interest in living there if I have a choice”

“Questionaire, meet with dean of admissions, fianacial aid meeting, lunch, tour with student, interviews. I Arrived at 9:15, and left by 2:30.”

“My interview went well. I enjoyed meeting the other students that were interviewing. I was the only one that was not from the Dallas area. I found the conviction for dentistry, and teaching new dentists I was looking for in Dr. Miller. However, I was disappointed that I did not find it in the other doctors I interviewed with. She was the only interviewer that discussed dentistry with me, and not merely the school. The cafeteria was very nice, and the clinical area and the sim lab are definitie positive attributes. The area around the school is not as impressive, unfortunately. I wasn’t able to get a feel for the research program because the facilities were being worked on. Overall, it was a positive experience. One of my interviewers fired questions at me, and was somewhat intense, but complimented me at the end.”

“It was very encouraging. One of the interviewers, Dr. Frohberg, told me that I should have no problem getting into dental school.”

“As I said before, be there early. It’s in your best interest if you plan on getting out soon. At around 10:30, we got a presentation on the school, its programs and research opportunities followed by a financial aid presentation that can be quite helpful if you stay awake. We each got a $10 coupon for the cafeteria and had lunch with three 4th-year students. They answered some questions we had gave us a tour around the school. We then came back to the admissions office and our interviews began. The first people to arrive got interviewed first while the other four were told to go on a self-tour while we interviewed (I guess to kill time). About an hour later, all three of us were done and were told we could go on a self-tour as well or go home. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I felt all the presentations were pretty informative and our tour guides were too. Plus they took us everywhere and I didn’t want to get lost wondering around on my own. ”

“Great, friendly, and honest faculty and administration. About 15-20 min per interview with 3 interviewers. Time goes by fast so keep your responses short, concise, and upbeat. There are 3 interviewers (the same 3 for every apllicant that day) Don’t always think that being the last to interview that day is a bad thing because you get the opportunity to ask your peers how their interviews went, keeping in mind that they might see you as their competition and might not openly discuss the topic. One applicant came out of the interview distressed. IMO, If you think through the questions being asked and respond in a clear, straightforward, and honest manner, you will do okay. The director of admissions (who is also one of your interviewers) does a good job of easing tension and anxiety to the applicants by speaking with them early in the day.”

“The other interviewees were very nice; we all got along great.. We got the routine lectures and tour.. the students who showed us around were incredibly funny and encouraging.. Lunch was a 7 out of 10 for me.. then came the 3 interviews and a short chat with Dr. Miller. The day actually went by fast”

“overall, i really enjoyed interviewing at baylor… everyone there was super friendly and very welcoming… the facility is clean and there were many renovations going on – lots of new equipments and labs coming soon.
——- came in, and had a group introduction… then the finaid office paid a visit… then got a tour of the school… had lunch… and then interview/roam the school time!”

“go to room talk to Dr.long, go over $$$, go to lunch, tour, interviews”

“I came early and I suggest that you do the same, the earlier you are their the earlier you get to leave. You fill out an information sheet, then Dr. Long takes the group upstairs, and gives a little speech and then asks if any one has questions that may pertain to the entire group. Afterwards, a very helpful financial presentation. Then they give you a ten dollar coupon and the group is taken to lunch by two students. Make sure to ask them questions, they are very helpful. Afterwards, these student give a quick tour of the school. then at around 1:15 they take you upstairs where they start their interviews.”

“I tried to wait for Houston interview so that I can give you guys a comparative feedback but i still haven’t recieved it. Baylor definantly has better facilities then San Antonio (they also dont have to share it with the medical students). We also get to have lunch in the cafeteria instead of in the orientation room. Your interview will depend on your interviewers. I had two laid back people and one person who drilled me with questions (wasn’t too bad though). ”

“Overall, it was fairly easy. Dr. Long was extremely nice and so were the other faculty members and students. The financial aid presentation was helpful and the tour showed us all the different facilites and services available to students.”

“My interview went very well. All the people interviewing with me were really nice as well. I think Baylor will have a hard time choosing because everyone seemed like an ideal candidate.”

“well lets see….u report at the admissions office on the 5th floor…wait for dr long…go upstairs where he goes over what your day is going to consist of….then there is the financial aid presentation which is followed by lunch and a tour of the school…then you go back to the 5th floor….half of u are interviewed (~15mins/interviewer) and the other half goes on a self tour and then vice versa…oh n about the self tour…make sure to go to the clinic on the 3rd floor…lotsa seniors there who can answer your questions…ppl at baylor are REALLY nice so try to relax as much as possible”

“The day started at 10:30 and ended about 2:30. We first went to the board room and talked about the school and financial aid info. Then we took a tour and ate lunch. After that it was interview time which wasn’t bad at all.”

“I really enjoyed the day. I didn’t know what to expect, but the school and faculty really impressed me. Dr. Spears has a lot of good information (be sure to ask good questions) during the conference room briefings. I haven’t interviewed at UTSA or UTH yet, but I think they will have to prove to me that they are better than Baylor. The impression and vibes I got convinced me that Baylor will make you a complete and more confident dentist(versus UTSA and UTH). ”

“Get there early. The earlier you arrive the earlier you leave. You first fill out some stuff on classes you are taking and plan to take. Go to an orientation meeting with the other applicants. Then a financial aid representative goes over financial aid information (Baylor is VERY affordable!). This is followed by a good lunch. Next a tour and then interviews. The people who arrived first are interviewed first! No complaints here!”

“Excellent school, the interviewers make you feel as comfortable as possible.”

“We started out in the waiting room. Then, Dr. Long invited us upstairs in the very nice looking board room overlooking Dallas. After he spoke, the financial aid lady spoke for a while. Then, we went back to the waiting room. A student then took us to lunch. After lunch we went back to the waiting area where we waited for our interviews. Three interviewers in three separate rooms including Jack Long called us each in one at a time. I was the last finishing around 4:30PM. ”

“VERY nice…felt extremely relieved afterwards, but really enjoyed the experience. Dr. Cole is awesome. People told me that these interviews would be hard, and I’ve heard about people coming out crying, but my three interviewers were very nice and easy-going. The school did an excellent job of making us feel welcome.”

“They have very high expectations on there students. You will graduate as a very competant dentist. ”


“The interview was very successful. I left each of my interviewers feeling that I had answered each question completely and intelligently. However, there were others who were visibly shaken as they emerged from their prospective interviewer’s offices and someone was even in tears. Have a good answer for everything!!! ”

“If they told you to arrive at 9:15, your interview is in the morning. If they tell you to arrive at 10:30, your interview is in the afternoon. The day was pretty short (about 4 hours). Just a presentation by Dr. Miller, eat with 4th year students, take a tour, interview, and you’re done.”