Testing Business Ideas

This book lives up to its title – “A field guide for testing business ideas”. There is ample content, specifically a whole toolkit of experiments that are ideally suited for any kind of product(hardware, software, etc.). I would go on a limb here and say that after reading this book, no experimentation technique would come as a surprise to the reader. However, as a personal opinion, there seemed a few shortcomings – the actual experimentation techniques are only introduced after 90 pages, and given the book is like 330 pages, the author decides to cross-reference/cross-sell/introduce his other published works for 1/4th of the book. Also, the content is more breadth and less depth and sometimes even superficial to the extent of being unusable. For example – the questions that are introduced by the author for some of the experiments which involve customer interviews are very dry as well as purely theoretical, hence some of the other books on that specific topic *cough*the mom test*cough* do a far better job. However, this is one of the few(if not only?) books (s) that is able to cover such breadth which still makes the feat of compiling together all the experiments remarkable and deserves a read.