Test Your Business English for Free: 25 Questions

Welcome to the English Center free business English test. This test is ©The English Center. All rights reserved.

This test has 25 questions with 4 multiple choice answers each. Each correct answer is worth 2 points. A perfect score of 100% correct answers = 50 points.

  • 01 – 15 Beginner
  • 16 – 35 Intermediate
  • 36 – 50 Advanced

This test is intended for business English speakers at intermediate and advanced levels.

Instructions: Tick the box with the best definition for each italicized, underlined idiom.

This test should take about 10–15 minutes. All fields are required.



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Business Level

Business Level

1. Jan: I’m worried about Brenda. She’s been really wound up lately. Chris: Really? Well, has it been affecting her job performance?


  • tired
  • tense
  • distracted
  • angry

2. Karen: Did you get the estimate from Acme Corporation yet? Bill: I did, but I’m afraid their offer wasn’t even in the ballpark.


  • close to our expectations
  • available by our deadline
  • relevant to our investment
  • something I could understand

3. Jordy: We had to draw a line in the sand with our best customer. Sara: Why? Were they becoming difficult to deal with?


  • set a firm limit
  • stop working with
  • go back to the drawing board
  • hire a mediator

4. Annika: How is the new receptionist doing? Sam: I think he’s still learning the ropes.


  • filling out his paperwork
  • figuring out the job
  • completing his interviews
  • negotiating his salary

5. Michiel: Did you get back to Hans about the proposal? Yuki: We’re going to touch base on Friday.


  • sign a document
  • negotiate an agreement
  • set up a meeting
  • get in contact

6. Tom: We have to do something about our advertising. Greta: I agree! The competition is running circles around us.


  • doing better than we are
  • catching up with us
  • copying our advertising
  • outspending us

7. Sally: You know, we are really ahead of the curve with our use of AI – Artificial Intelligence. Ton: Really? I’m not so sure.


  • acting intuitively
  • in trouble
  • comfortable
  • the leaders

8. Uji: Our leading competitor was featured on CNN business news today. Annalies: Yeah, they have really cornered the market for Dutch luxury travel.


  • created a special demand in the market
  • gone public on the stock market
  • gotten all the customers in one market sector
  • succeeded in the stock market

9. Alex: Did you go to the company party? Sofia: Yes, I went after work. When I got there, it was in full swing.


  • just beginning
  • a bit uncomfortable
  • very active
  • almost finished

10. Albert: Are you going to upgrade the IT system? Mika: It’s really a no-brainer.


  • decision we must accept
  • difficult thing to install
  • decision that can’t be made yet
  • an easy decision to make

11. Jane: I think we’re going to see eye to eye on this, don’t you? Willem: Yeah, but let’s dig into the details and find out, shall we?


  • almost entirely agree
  • have significant disagreements
  • agree on about half of the points
  • have well thought-out opinions

12. Marijke: My boss said that when it comes to negotiating with EuroCorp, I really need to take the bull by the horns. Martin: Well, good luck!


  • be more sensitive
  • focus on the important points
  • move more quickly
  • be the one in charge

13. Selma: Did you hear about the IT company upstairs? Jorge: No. What happened? Selma: They had to be bailed out by the government.


  • taken to court
  • financially evaluated
  • taxed in arrears
  • financially assisted

14. Willy: During the meeting this morning, taxation was the elephant in the room. Sabrina: Yeah, I’m not surprised.


  • an issue everyone is thinking about, but not talking about
  • an unimportant detail that people spend too much time on
  • the one issue nobody can agree about
  • the topic that people spend the most time talking about

15. Betsy: How did you hear about the big changes at the head office? Robbert: Word of mouth!


  • casual conversation among colleagues
  • a formal announcement in a meeting
  • a personal appointment with a supervisor
  • an official message to the entire company

16. Roland: My project is a bit up in the air right now. Gina: Really? I am surprised to hear that


  • very successful
  • moving quickly
  • uncertain
  • ready to be cancelled

17. Karl: I will have to twist Jack’s arm about working on the report. Helene: Oh, really? What are you going to do?


  • provide lots of details
  • give logical reasons
  • promise big rewards
  • strongly persuade

18. Eric: If this version does not fly, we will have to go back to the drawing board. Jenny: Well, let’s see just wait and see what the customer says tomorrow.


  • polish up the current proposal
  • add better illustrations to the current proposal
  • create an entirely new proposal
  • simplify the current proposal

19. Elise: Be sure that you complete this project by the book. Charley: Of course, I always do.


  • according to emailed instructions from your supervisor
  • in a way that reflects the corporate mission statement
  • with great attention to detail, accuracy and company policy
  • using smart problem solving to achieve the best results

20. Maria: Why do you have that look on your face? Maarten: Because my boss just caught me off guard with an important question.


  • not in the office
  • unprepared
  • being dishonest
  • ready to do battle

21. Arno: I think my boss just caved in to the client’s request. Maxine: Really! Do you know exactly what he said?


  • agreed to the request under pressure
  • said yes to part of the request
  • gave good reasons we had to say no
  • gave much less than what was asked for

22. Alice: This week has been a real change of pace. Marco: And how did it go?


  • a heavier work schedule
  • a different work schedule
  • different tasks / environment at work
  • something to be completed very quickly

23. Nancy: Did you hear that the bonuses have been cancelled for this year? Reinier: No, really? Well… easy come, easy go.


  • money that is easy to earn is easy to save
  • money that is easy to earn is easy to lose
  • money lost is not really painful
  • losing money is a common occurrence

24. Bill: Hey, let’s get down to business, OK? Jo: Yes, let’s get on with the meeting.


  • present a costs benefits analysis
  • look at the downside
  • talk about opposing points of view
  • talk about relevant business matters

25. Tamara: People say that sales is all about getting your foot in the door. Ed: That’s true, but that is certainly not all there is to it!


  • starting on the right foot
  • meeting people in their own environment
  • maintaining a relationship
  • starting a relationship
