TemplateMonster Infographic: Green Color In Web Design | Freepik Blog

Many articles have been written about the color theory and its influence, but this one is special. Every web-designer knows that a proper color spectrum can make a site more popular and gain more visitors. Not only simple and intuitive interface can make a good impression, but also correctly selected colors. The task is to fulfill the space with a qualitative graphics, content and colors of course. General view will determine the first impression about your company and it can be the push between success or failure. TemplateMonster prepared several tips to simplify your choice. Pick the colors that can be a part of the company’s corporate idea. The color should unite all the pages to create a “brand style” and fit the logo. Undoubtedly, the color should be easy on the eye. Our today’s color – is Green and all its shades.



It is not enough to create a website and pay for its promotion in search engines. Sometimes it may happen that among the thousands of customers who open your site, no one will be truly interested in it. Therefore nobody will bring you income. The reason for this is that you didn’t manage to grab the user’s attention. People usually spend thirty seconds on each site when searching for the right information, so you should make you best. And one of the reasons may be the wrong choice of colors in the site design. You should keep in mind that color affects human emotions on a subconscious level, and almost always the color affects different people the same way. Color has unique psychological characteristics, therefore it plays an important role in the creation of interesting and attractive websites. Color can stimulate certain activities, as well as provide the aesthetic sense. Although this rule has exceptions, as some colors or combinations of colors may be perceived differently depending on the culture, religion and nationality.
Taking everything into account, we came to the conclusion that the Green color is universal. Before anything is told, just have a look at the great Roof Repair WordPress Theme tailored by TemplateMonster . Doesn’t it look great?



Another question is how to create productive and appealing site at the same time. Now we will explain why Green is a right solution for a website and how not to get lost in the world of web design. The aim is to sort out the information about the use of color in web design, its color scheme, typography, graphics, backgrounds, logos, banners, CTAs, and popups.

What to begin with?

If you ever came across the idea to start your own website, now is quite a time to do it. Naturally, you need something to begin with, because there are too many offers and it is impossible to focus on the right one. It can be pricey and time-consuming to design your site from a scratch. Nowadays every theme provider improves the products according to the latest trends, so you will find something worthy for sure. Moreover, you can +purchase a multipurpose theme that will satisfy all your needs. Another way is to obtain a niche-specific one and get the maximum out of it. Here is a wonderful example how Green works with Sport Racing WordPress Theme. There is not much text, but it is rather informative. This image-oriented theme helps to present the content and attract the attention.



As for the color itself, there many different cultures and let’s see how it is perceived. Basically, it is a mixture of yellow and blue. It takes joy of yellow and serenity of blue. The wide spread associations with the green color are: money, growth, nature, spring, health, youth, grass and hope. There is nothing surprising, as it brings positive energy and people feel it. In Europe and USA it is commonly a symbol of spring and rebirth, when the nature awakes and burst again. Green is a symbolic color for the whole Ireland and that’s really big achievement. The Saint Patrick’s Day is also colored in Green and Christmas definitely deals with it. This means, that Green is a color of joy and happiness, so it is a perfect choice for a site. This fresh color and improve your mood better and make you feel more optimistic. You can create a well-balanced site with a proper content and green color. It will be effective visually and functionally productive. Considering that green has many hues, each one can evoke different feelings and emotions.
Another meaning is money. It is not a coincidence that USA currency, dollar, has green color. This very nation focuses on green color as they believe it makes an appeal to prosperity and wealth. For this reason, companies that are involved in business and deal with financial sphere, usually have greenish sites. Check out the one for Financial Advisor Company. It looks good indeed and you can’t deny that the combination of green and white works well.



The next point is the nature. For the health services and any industry related to nature, green is the most obvious solution. When you hear the words “eco” and “bio” you definitely think of green. These concepts are so bound today, that their unity has already become classy. It seems that there are no other options to show the harmony of the human and nature. Use this color to maximize readability and minimizes optical fatigue which is a critical factor in web design. It is not only the physical, but a mental health as well. When the appearance of the site coincides with the main idea and content, it is fated to become successful. The trick here is not only in plain usage of green color. There is always a need to blend colors and it is not as easy as may seem. We are serious about this, so we have collected the specific information for you.
Dark green is ambitious and associated with money. Most popular usage is corporate websites. When company picks this color, the visitors perceive it as a successful and prestigious one.
Bright green is a perfect match for ecological sites and projects.
The interesting fact is that Celadon, the pale tint of spring green is popular in Asian culture. Chinese, Korean and Japanese like it as it is elegant and neat.
Yellowish or lime green is not that much wide spread. The reason is people often link it with sickness and even nausea. Be aware as it doesn’t fit food-related sites, because it decreases the appetite for real.
Olive green pleases the eyes and brings peace for most people. Still, this shade is rather ambiguous. Some may have military overtones and it evokes completely opposite feelings. Keep in mind this point, when pick the colors for the website.
All the hues of blue green are acceptable as people usually like it. The same works with the combination of green and blue. The images of water and forest come to mind at once. This is a fresh option to create a site and attract more users.
Green with Purple or red is smart option. Two colors are contrasting and if you use them correctly, you will create lively and arousing effects. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because bright ideas, as well as bright sites, draw the visitirs’ attention.
Another way is green together with brown of beige. The nature is always present to some extend when we see green, but here is something more. This combination says about organic products and recycling. If you have a site focused on this specialty, then you need to try these colors together.
For promoting sports equipment or outdoor facilities, you can use the tri-color combination of green with yellow and black. Some people prefer white instead of black and it still saves the effect. This is a powerful and energetic unity. Many sport sites use it and that is the right solution for sure.
Nowadays there is a trend on flat and monotonous color schemes. What if we use the completely green theme? Some designers apply one color, despite the fact it contradicts the main rules of design. We would not say whether it is good or bad fact, but as far as it exists, we feel that we need to mention it. Neglecting all the possible laws and rules, Line Quality created Muppets theme.



The various green tones make it unordinary and the Muppet icon creates an interesting visual effect. In spite of using only a few colors, the white text is readable and navigation buttons are visible. According to this example, we can say that the talent is above everything else. Every novelty can be implemented with a smart approach.

TemplateMonster has created a series of color-inspired infographics. We didn’t miss a chance to include it here and share with you.



Looking at this scheme there are only few words left to be said. Don’t be mainstream and use green instead of blue. The variety of shades is enormous, so it is not a big deal to pick several to your liking. The relaxed users will explore green websites from different spheres. The proper usage of color suits business, food, agriculture, advertising, medical, finance, energy, technology and household sites. Be careful with green in case of designing clothes, cars or airline sites. Here we can see that the area for green color applying is indeed vast. Outstanding part is the readability. Promo banners and other page elements look good with green. Call-to-action buttons work really effective if you color them in green. Highlight the text with this color and it is almost 100% that visitors would read it. Take your time to pick the right shade. Sometimes you do it instinctively, but here you need to concentrate on the specific purpose of the future site. The proper hue can increase the number of visitors and the following sales as well. The main advantage of the green color is that it has positive meaning both for men and women. The reasons and associations are different, as men interpret it as balance and stability and women see Mother Nature in it. Focus on the target audience, as you need to know what effect should be done. Use the combinations and pick the one to express the main concept of you enterprise. Be active and use it for beauty stores and eco products. This color attracts shoppers on budget and makes a positive and safe atmosphere. Never forget that it is the color of the dollar.
To reassure you, here are some most popular companies who trust statistic and psychology and use green. Of course Starbucks is number one with its green sea-maiden logo, but that is too trivial.
The classy and most predictable example is the John Deere website.



These guys know their strong point and use it more than effective. Not the healthiest, but really popular Heineken company. It is known all over the world and still gaining more fans.



Another one, that stands out by breaking the rules is Subway fast food. This site is one more verification that everything is possible.



While one says that you better not use green for food site, here is one of the most famous fast food chain restaurant that does completely opposite.

The final word

To sum up everything that has been said, green is unlimited in the usage. Try new hues and create your combinations, because everything is possible, when there is a desire. As now you are acquainted with the latest trend and the magic go green color, don’t waste your time and apply the knowledge. Green is suitable for a great amount of purposes and has a great effect. We have already revealed all the secrets and now it is your turn to act. Keep in mind what impact you want to have on the web users and get to work!