Sustainable Business Model Innovation: An Umbrella Review

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[90]Journal of Cleaner ProductionProduct–service systems (PSS) business models and tactics—a systematic literature reviewProduct–service systemRitter and Schanz [69]Journal of Cleaner ProductionThe sharing economy: a comprehensive business model frameworkSharing economy business modelRosa, Sassanelli and Terzi [49]Journal of Cleaner ProductionTowards circular business models: a systematic literature review on classification frameworks and archetypesCircular business modelSahebalzamani and Bertella [82]SustainabilityBusiness models and sustainability in nature tourism: a systematic review of the literatureSustainable business modelSalvador, Barros, da Luz, Piekarski and de Francisco [60]Journal of Cleaner ProductionCircular business models: current aspects that influence implementation and unaddressed subjectsCircular business modelSalvador, Puglieri, Halog, de Andrade, Piekarski and De Francisco [64]Journal of Cleaner ProductionKey aspects for designing business models for a circular bioeconomyCircular business modelSarja, Onkila and Makela [65]Journal of Cleaner ProductionA systematic literature review of the transition to the circular economy in business organizations: obstacles, catalysts and ambivalencesCircular business modelShakeel, Mardani, Chofreh, Goni and Klemeš [7]Journal of Cleaner ProductionAnatomy of sustainable business model innovationSustainable business modelShomali and Pinkse [46]Journal of Cleaner ProductionThe consequences of smart grids for the business model of electricity firmsSustainable business model Thorisdottir and Johannsdottir [42]SustainabilitySustainability within fashion business models: a systematic literature reviewSustainable business modelUpadhyay, et al. [91]Journal of Manufacturing Technology ManagementInvestigating “circular business models” in the manufacturing and service sectorsCircular business model