Sustainability reporting | Schneider Electric

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Sustainable investment strategy

Learn about the different catalysts that are driving the sustainable investment movement.



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person viewing pie charts on a digital tablet

Manage sustainability reporting

Reduce time, streamline the process, and costs using EcoStruxure™ Resource Advisor.



Transform environmental data into success

  • Resource Advisor, industry-leading data management and business intelligence sustainability software, enables efficient and transparent data collection.
  • Our experts establish processes and systems which empower greater accuracy and transparency of environmental data.
  • Our expertise combined with environmental reporting standards maximizes stakeholder recognition and value creation.
  • Our global team of experts leads you along your reporting journey, maximizing the work your company is achieving with stakeholder recognition and communicating wins.
  • Our experts support you in strategically communicating your sustainability accomplishments, both internally and externally.

closeup of steel pipelines in an oil industry

Leaps and bounds in sustainability reporting

Vallourec improved its CDP score two letters by taking an innovative approach to its sustainability reporting strategy.



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A man working on his laptop at home

Never miss a deadline

With so many reporting frameworks out there, tracking deadlines can be hard. Stay ahead with our reporting calendar.



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Sustainability goals should never take a break

Will the drastic changes we’re facing today make companies think differently about how they move the needle for sustainability?



Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI)

Our Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) is a collection of our sustainability goals, grouped under five megatrends, which are closely tied to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Achieve more energy and sustainability success

Buy energy smarter

Car parts in car factory

Use energy efficiently

Visualize data

Drive sustainable growth

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