Support Staff Division

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Updated 9/23/22

SSD is calling for additional conference committee members to plan the 

27th Annual SSD conference in Ashland, July 20 & 21, 2023

For this conference, we have a strong preference for library staff working in Southern Oregon, who knows what’s what.


The most effective members get support from their libraries to do this work and are 


If you need help getting that support, email the chair, Rinny Lakin at 

If you need help getting that support, email the chair, Rinny Lakin at

[email protected]

. Let’s identify barriers in your way and strategize.

“What? SSD is suddenly hosting a TWO day conference?” 

Welcome reception

 on July 20th. We feel it will be an extremely valuable opportunity to network and connect with each other. What will that look like? Come help us figure that out! July 21st will look much more familiar to repeat attendees. (Hot tip: After the conference, there will be a tour of Blackstone Audio!)

“Who me? I’m not a capital “L” librarian or director.” 

Yes, exactly you! Be part of something special and shine! Are you looking to gain important project management and event coordination skills, but your library position offers limited opportunities to show and grow your skills? There is a wide range of professional development and network opportunities that are automatically built into this experience. You will be working alongside seasoned conference committee members and rising above the noise. (Pst. I can’t promise you that this work will lead to a promotion, but if you look at past conference committee members, chances are good.)

“But, I don’t have time!” 

We get it, we are all running the hard scrabble to keep our heads above water. The pandemic did a number on us all. We are all the work horses of our libraries and take on all the things. 


Your commitment is:

  • 2 hours/month for virtual SSD meetings. The April meeting is replaced by the SSD Social at the OLA Conference.
  • This part is super important, we expect you to come 

    in person

     to help set-up, support the conference logistics and tear down for July 20 and 21st, 2023. If I am being honest about this, hopefully you will catch some of the conference! It really depends how large the team gets. There are tasks that don’t require public speaking.

  • Depending on which tasks you take on and how many people end up on the committee, expect 1-4 additional hours/month to complete your tasks. You will also be invited to the SSD Leadership retreat in August to debrief and begin planning the next year for SSD and lay the groundwork for the 2024 conference. In recent years, this has been held at Spindrift Cottage in Manzanita.

Want in? Need more info? Email the chair, Rinny Lakin: 

[email protected]


Actually, we will be hosting our first everon July 20th. We feel it will be an extremely valuable opportunity to network and connect with each other. What will that look like? Come help us figure that out! July 21st will look much more familiar to repeat attendees. (Hot tip: After the conference, there will be a tour of Blackstone Audio!)

 Ugg, Support Staff sounds so old timey!

“Does SSD support staff, or are the members all support staff?” Yes.

Our name is tied to a National movement for inclusion.

We welcome suggestions for updating the name of our division.

Email ideas to [email protected]


Find out more about us from our brochure! 

Original brochure design credit: Jennifer Bosvert, 2015 


“The Oregon Library Association’s Support Staff Division (SSD) recognizes support staff’s need for opportunities promoting awareness of library issues as well as practical application of knowledge and skill, both ethical and technological.  SSD will provide a forum in order to encourage new ideas, discuss concerns, and solve problems while envisioning and adapting to changes in the profession.  SSD’s goal is to inspire and promote professional growth through networking, conferences, workshops, and mentoring.”



Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) provides a path to recognition and awareness of the critical role that library support staff play in the delivery 

of quality library service.  To achieve certification, support staff must achieve six of ten competency sets either through development of an online portfolio or taking approved courses.  The competency sets are:  Foundation of Library Service; Technology; Communication and Teamwork; Access Services, Adult Readers’ Advisory Services; Cataloging and Classification; Collection Management; Reference and Information Services; Supervision and Management; and Youth Services.  

of quality library service. To achieve certification, support staff must achieve six of ten competency sets either through development of an online portfolio or taking approved courses. The competency sets are: Foundation of Library Service; Technology; Communication and Teamwork; Access Services, Adult Readers’ Advisory Services; Cataloging and Classification; Collection Management; Reference and Information Services; Supervision and Management; and Youth Services.

Detailed additional information on LSSC is available on the LSSC website

  • More Library Support Staff Certification Program (LSSCP)  Information