Student Doctor Network Forums Community – HPSA

One of the charges leveled against forums is that the information included on them is of dubious quality. However, most members (72%) reported in a 2022 SDN survey that they find the information presented on the forums to be trustworthy. This mirrors a 2019 Tapatalk survey that also found that most internet users found forums to be more trustworthy than Twitter or Facebook.

One reason students find the information trustworthy is the SDN Experts program. SDN members can choose to be verified as current healthcare providers such as physicians, dentists, and veterinarians, as well as faculty members at health professional institutions and residency programs. This allows new members to determine valid sources of information.

As part of the Experts program, SDN offers a Confidential Expert Advice forum where students may anonymously ask questions of the panel of experts. This service allows students to get their advising questions answered, even if they don’t have access to advising services through their educational institution. Having the panel review questions means that students receive a variety of perspectives on their issues.