Statistics For Business and Economics


T1 – Statistics For Business and Economics

AU – Freeman, Jim

AU – Anderson, David R

AU – Sweeney, Dennis J

AU – Williams, Thomas A

AU – Shoesmith, Eddie

PY – 2006

Y1 – 2006

N2 – The purpose of STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS is to give students, primarily those in the fields of business, management and economics, a conceptual introduction to the field of statistics and its many applications. The text is applications oriented and written with the needs of the non-mathematician in mind. The mathematical pre-requisite is knowledge of algebra. Applications of data analysis and statistical methodology are an integral part of the organization and presentation of the material in the text. The discussion and development of each technique are presented in an application setting, with the statistical results providing insights to problem solution and decision making. Although the book is applications oriented, care has been taken to provide sound methodological development and to use notation that is generally accepted for the topic being covered. Hence, students will find that this text provides good preparation for the study of more advanced statistical material. A revised and updated bibliography to guide further study is included as an appendix.

AB – The purpose of STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS is to give students, primarily those in the fields of business, management and economics, a conceptual introduction to the field of statistics and its many applications. The text is applications oriented and written with the needs of the non-mathematician in mind. The mathematical pre-requisite is knowledge of algebra. Applications of data analysis and statistical methodology are an integral part of the organization and presentation of the material in the text. The discussion and development of each technique are presented in an application setting, with the statistical results providing insights to problem solution and decision making. Although the book is applications oriented, care has been taken to provide sound methodological development and to use notation that is generally accepted for the topic being covered. Hence, students will find that this text provides good preparation for the study of more advanced statistical material. A revised and updated bibliography to guide further study is included as an appendix.

M3 – Book

BT – Statistics For Business and Economics

PB – Thomson Press

ER –