Static and Dynamic IP Addresses

Static and Dynamic IP Addresses

ISPs (Internet service providers) assign an IP address to each device on their network. The IP address can be static or dynamic.

Static IP Addresses

A static IP address is an IP address that always stays the same. If you have a web server, FTP server, or other Internet resource that must have an address that cannot change, you can get a static IP address from your ISP. A static IP address is usually more expensive than a dynamic IP address, and some ISPs do not supply static IP addresses. You must configure a static IP address manually.

Dynamic IP Addresses

A dynamic IP address is an IP address that an ISP lets you use temporarily. If a dynamic address is not in use, it can be automatically assigned to a different device. Dynamic IP addresses are assigned using either DHCP or PPPoE.

About DHCP

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an Internet protocol that computers on a network use to get IP addresses and other information such as the default gateway. When you connect to the Internet, a computer configured as a DHCP server at the ISP automatically assigns you an IP address. It could be the same IP address you had before, or it could be a new one. When you close an Internet connection that uses a dynamic IP address, the ISP can assign that IP address to a different customer.

You can configure your Firebox as a DHCP server for networks behind the device. You assign a range of addresses for the DHCP server to use.

About PPPoE

Some ISPs assign IP addresses through Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). PPPoE adds some of the features of Ethernet and PPP to a standard dial-up connection. This network protocol allows the ISP to use the billing, authentication, and security systems of their dial-up infrastructure with DSL modem and cable modem products.

See Also

About IP Addresses