Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited – Company Details | The Company Check

What is the official website of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the corporate identification number (CIN) and company number of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the registered address of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

Who are the current board members & directors of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is authorized share capital and paid-up capital of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the Incorporation or founding date of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the Incorporation or founding date of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is authorized share capital and paid-up capital of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

Who are the current board members & directors of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the registered address of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the corporate identification number (CIN) and company number of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

What is the official website of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited?

Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited was incorporated 11 years 2 months ago on 26 Dec 2011 with Registrar of Companies RoC-Chennai.

The authorized share capital of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited is ₹ 3.00 cr and paid-up capital is ₹ 1.50 cr.

Currently 6 directors are associated with Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited.

  • Kiang Ngee Tan
  • Toru Tanabe
  • Tadayoshi Aoki
  • Kazuhiro Suzuki
  • Mitsuaki Misugi
  • Masahide Kasaki

Currently 6 directors are associated with Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited.

As per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (Mca), the registered address of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited is Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

The corporate identification number (CIN) of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited is U31401TN2011FTC083757 and the company number is 083757 as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

The Official website of Stanley Electric Sales Of India Private Limited is