Squarespace Web Content Management Review – business.com

Squarespace is prepared for search engines. This web application features clean XHTML, a customizable domain name and generated metatags. It doesn’t allow you to manage these tags, however. Additionally, this web CMS doesn’t really offer any type of SEO analysis, but it does have an extensive learning center article about increasing your site’s visibility and optimizing your site. This article on search engine optimization will be very helpful for any business owners who want to improve their search engine ranking and get more traffic to their site.

The design of the web content management system is fairly straightforward. On the top left there is a “Website Management” button that will open a drop-down menu with a variety of administrator page options. You can also click on the icons in the right corner and quickly edit content, structure and style. And you can click on the eye icon to preview what your site will look like before you save the changes. Plus, if all else fails, the help button is always available in the top right corner as well.

Drag-and-drop editing lets you pull content to whatever area of the page you wish. This web content management service also offers WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing so you can see your site exactly how the visitors would see it as you make changes. This is a huge timesaver in web editing – you don’t have to go back and forth between editing and previewing with every little change you make.

You can upload multiple files at one time to the image and document library. These files can be organized and added to any page on your site. This can help save you the time you would have spent finding and uploading each file individually. You can also import information directly from any website to yours by copying and pasting the URL.

Squarespace offers a variety of attractive templates to help you get started. You can alter every design element of these templates to make them your own. This web content management service also offers custom CSS for advanced users, so you can have even more control over the look of your site. In fact, you can edit your site by using the WYSIWYG editor or by working with the raw HTML.

Adding a form to a page on your website can help you collect data about your site. You can set up a simple contact form or you can even make the form into a job application. This data will be sent to you via email or it can be sent directly to Excel files in your storage area. This kind of feedback is essential to creating a site and a product that satisfy your customer.

Squarespace does not have a calendar feature yet, but they told us that it is in development. In the meantime, however, they suggest using a third-party service such as Google Calendar and embedding that code in your site. Being able to embed external HTML code into your Squarespace site is another positive feature of this web content management service.

This web content management service does not have a built-in shopping cart feature, but, once again, you can add third-party links by embedding HTML. However, you need to take note that Squarespace doesn’t provide SSL security for third-party merchant services. That kind of security needs to be arranged through the merchant service provider.

In case you’re prone to spelling mistakes, Squarespace offers a built-in spell checker. This allows you to compose your text directly in the application without having to type it out and check it in another word processor beforehand.

Squarespace also has a variety of widget options. The RSS widget of this web content management service allows you to import almost any RSS feed into your site. You can also use the Widget Display Configuration section to determine how the feed will appear on your site.

We rated this service based on the Business Package and found it to be exceptional in the various capacities they offer their users. This plan offers unlimited bandwidth, unlimited file storage and an unlimited number of editors with an unlimited amount of email accounts. You can only upload 20MB at a time, but that should be more than enough for the majority of files you’ll want on the site, and if you have files larger than 20MB, you can upload them in pieces.

When you begin using Squarespace, there is an overview video to help you get started. The video itself is a little small to see all the details, but it’s still helpful. There are also training videos on Content Mode, Structure Mode, Style Editing, Administration and more. These videos almost seem unnecessary, however, because the application is so user-friendly.

The customer support page for Squarespace is, in a word, amazing. We used their search feature on the FAQs page to look for answers to a variety of questions and were surprised with how accurately and thoroughly our questions were answered. Squarespace has done a good job in making sure their customers can find the information they need. If you need additional help, they don’t have telephone support, but you can submit a support ticket and they will respond within 24 hours.

While we mentioned that Squarespace web content management services don’t offer SSL security for third-party merchant sites, you can enable SSL in the website manager. This gives extra security to administrators and is only available with the Business Package. You can also password protect certain areas of your site from unwanted visitors, and set-up user roles so that only authorized users can change certain content. However, if someone does make a change, they can always preview it in the staging mode before they actually publish it.

Putting content on a site and maintaining that site doesn’t have to be a chore. When you use a web content management system like Squarespace, you can create a website that looks like it was created by a professional web designer without having to hire a professional web designer. The interface is easy to use and the customer support is very impressive. This is a high-quality web content management service that will get you results.