Some people say that the increasing business and cultural…(IELTS Band 9 Essay)

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

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Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample (Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result.)

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample (Business and Cultural Contact)

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample Response

A Group of people believe that there are many underlying benefits involved to the fast-growing international businesses and cultural expansion, whereas others argue that this trend could have negative effects on their traditional values. Though there is a concern of losing the native identity, in my opinion, people’s interaction with different cultures and nations rather comes up with mutual benefits.

To begin with, there is an associated fear of losing cultural identity when it comes to excessive engagement with different nationals in terms of business, language and other activities. In other words, interaction among people from various backgrounds involves lingual, cultural and religious variations as well. This multi-national communication forces locals to learn and get adjusted with the imported culture and norms, which can eventually lead them to become completely oblivious to their native identity. For instance, western individualism has been spread over the world via American tourists and businesses. Many teenagers indulge themselves in these foreign cultures and eventually have started following these imported values as their own.

On the other hand, these days people tend to travel abroad for work or study as well as travelling as a tourist. Therefore, natives are exposed to the different cultures of other nations which broaden their horizon. Also, welfare and businesses are not limited to home countries anymore, as most of the large companies or brands have branches all around the world. As a result, more employments are being generated for the locals. In addition, international contacts in terms of businesses and cultural exchanges allow individuals to explore other countries, experience diverse environments, inject foreign currencies to the destination countries to bear the travel expenses which eventually have a knock-on-effect on the involved countries’ mutual development.

In conclusion, native cultures might be distorted when it is exposed to foreign ones due to people’s engagement from different nations, but it is insignificant compared to the mutual benefits that the involved nations could avail.

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Task 2 Essay Band 8 Sample Response

Since multilateral relations serve many countries to come together for several purposes, the attitude to this type of interaction varies among people. Some people are highly satisfied with positive implications of multicultural development while others stubbornly support national identities. Though there is a concern of losing the native identity, in my opinion, people’s interaction from different cultures and nations rather comes up with mutual benefits. I am going to elucidate both views and my humble opinion with relevant arguments.

Unlike isolated countries, multicultural countries benefit from their partners with different business ethics, investment opportunities and open trade. Consequently, people are also affected by business relations such as importing and exporting goods and working in joint stock companies in order to improve their well-being. In a dynamic environment, people learn more about each other’s culture and become more tolerant and behave more consciously in a community. For example, United Arab Emirates was bombarded by a hail of direct foreign investments and know-how in the late of 20th century and as a result, it has turned into one of the business and cultural centres of the world. As a result, both local and foreign inhabitants take advantage of working and living in a diverse atmosphere.

However, patriotic people oppose multiculturalism supposing that national sovereignty will gradually disappear leaving its place to other cultures. These people are too worried about the young generation who doesn’t fully perceive some fundamentals of the culture. Because budding generation is prone to change long-rooted customs with more innovative and novice tendency since they see no sensible meaning. In fact, most of underdeveloped countries applause this approach and multiculturalism is the slow process in these societies.

To conclude, both group of people are right for themselves depending on their choice to be conservative or innovative. I firmly believe that integrating into the world with culture might have an optimum solution to conservative countries. Because globalization is inevitable, and countries need to contact each other in order to meet their demands better.

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