Social network

* Ahn, J., 2013 “The Effect of

Social Network

Sites on Adolescents Social and Academic Development: Current Theories and Controversies” Journal of American society for information science and technology, 62(8), 3-10

People who do not reciprocate on a

social network

, but keep sending information about their mood, marital status changes or upcoming gigs are either ignored or deleted from the “friends” list.

This is in line with Cheng (2010) who maintained that

social network

use just to fit in with peers did eliminate the difference in GPAs between students whose parents had differing levels of higher education.

The benefits of Facebook “friends”: Social capital and college students’ use of online

social network


The owner of the

social network

has already declined to comment or give details on the purchase.

– H7: there is a correlation between the perception that the

social network

can be a viable source of information within the medical field and the willingness to consider opinions, information express within the

social networks

referring to the treatment of respondents’ current diseases.

To understand how

social networks

got to where they are today, Merchant reviews the history of social networking and social media starting with bulletin boards and the chat function.

Definition of

social network

varies from the point of view of different authors.

To participate in a

social network

site a user constructs a profile and by this act the social networker becomes real in a virtual world.

They noticed that access to the

social network

has appeared last Thursday.

The court asked Facebook to put a disclaimer on its home page stating that children below 13 years cannot open account on the

social network

. The Delhi HC also rapped the Indian government for not having adequate laws to prevent children from abused through the social networking sites.

The United States may be the birthplace of Facebook but Americans are far from the most

social network

obsessed people on the planet.


social network

is a set of nodes representing people, groups, organizations, enterprises, and so forth, that are connected by links showing relations or flows between them.