Small Size Network: Digital Strategy for European Projects | BAM! Strategie Culturali

At the beginning of 2016, BAM! teamed up with La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi, one of the most important centres in Europe for the production and promotion of theatre and performing arts for children and young people. The company, which in 2016 will celebrate its 40th birthday, since 1995 has been managing the Teatro Testoni in Bologna and collaborates with spaces, seasons, schools and workshops inside and outside of the province.

Since 2005, La Baracca has been the the coordinator of Small Size, the most important European network of organizations working in theatre and performing arts for early childhood (0-3 and 3-6 years). The network, supported by the European Union through programmes such as Culture and Creative Europe, which provides a framework for partners to share their skills and expertise and develop joint projects or collaborate in research and training.