Slow living: where to start – That Sunday Feeling

that sunday feeling, TSF, sunday, slow living, slower life, mindfulness, mindful living, live authentic, dutch, blogger, vegan, sunday is a state of mind, slower life

If you’re reading this blogpost, you most likely clicked on the link because you feel like your life is hectic and chaotic and overwhelming sometimes. Maybe you’ve come to a point in your life where you start to question the way you’re living right now, the way we’re all hurrying from one place to the next. The good news is you’re not alone. We feel the same way.

A natural solution to this feeling, these thoughts, is to crave change. A change that involves a slower, simpler, more mindful way of living. A way to reconnect with yourself, your life and your surroundings. But without selling all your belongings and moving to a cottage in the countryside. Right?

The starting point

Living a slower, more mindful life, isn’t an overnight process. It’s hard to slow down in a world that seems to be moving quicker and faster every day. With fast food, fast cars, fast ideas and fast routines constantly catching up on us, a slower life is definitely a big change. But remember, change is a process, a journey. And every journey starts with the first step.

The overall idea is to change your habits, your mindset, your routines to be more mindful and more aware. To be in the present moment, whenever you can.

And even though we’re on this journey just like you are and we don’t claim to be experts on this topic in any way, we’d like to share some practical and simple ideas to get you started on your own journey to a more mindful way of living.

slow living

How to slow down life

  • Slow down your walking, you don’t need to run to get from A to B

  • Slow down your breathing, and lower it instead of breathing high and shallow

  • Take the time to prepare, eat and clean up your food
  • Replace junk food with real food . You’ll love it, and so will your body!

  • Keep your thoughts on today , don’t stress too much about tomorrow
  • Declutter, create more space

  • Replace your screen time with reading, craftwork , music, the outdoors

What are you thoughts on slow living? Let us know in the comments or on @instagram!