Skype for Business: 7 Reasons to Start Using It Now – Ontech Systems

What is now known as Skype for Business used to be called Lync, and many people still know it by that name.

In its simplest terms, Skype for Business is a tool for audio and video meetings, as well as a useful app for instant messaging.

Skype for Business is now part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite of products, offering seamless, secure business collaboration across time zones and international borders.

Skype vs. Skype for Business: What’s the Difference?

If you’re familiar with the personal version of Skype, you should have no trouble using the business version of this tool. There are, however, some key differences to be aware of – these differences could have a big impact on your business.

The most notable difference between the traditional and business version if Skype is the ability to scale. According to Microsoft, traditional Skype is suitable for businesses of up to 20 people.

Skype for Business provides support for larger firms, as it has additional capabilities and greater ease of use for office settings.

Skype for Business offers a broadcast feature, allowing businesses to broadcast their Skype meetings online to as many as 10,000 people. This feature provides a great opportunity for businesses of all sizes.

Small to mid-sized businesses could broadcast meetings to their staff and customer base while larger organizations could broadcast meetings to employees throughout multiple locations and time zones.

Is Skype for Business Secure?

is Skype for business secure?When it comes to business, security is always an important consideration.

Rest assured, Skype for Business is built on a secure platform.

All video, voice communications, instant messages and file transfers are encrypted, providing protection against eavesdropping and interception.

How much does a Skype for Business Account Cost?

Skype is famously free for domestic calls, but the business version uses a different fee structure.

There are a number of Skype account types, each designed to address the needs of a particular type of business.

Skype for Business offers two basic plans for small businesses. The most basic plan, known as Online Plan 1, charges $2 per month for each user. This plan is very similar to the basic version of Skype.

The second plan, known as Online Plan 2, costs $5.50 per month of service.

This higher level of service also includes high-definition video for group conferences, as well as the ability to join meetings right from a standard web browser.

Is Skype for Business a Good Fit for Your Organization?

This depends on a number of factors, including the size of your business, your communication needs and your budget.

If your business is centrally located, with a single office and no remote workers, you can probably get by without a business account.

But if your business consists of several offices in a variety of locations, a Skype for Business account could be a great way to facilitate communication, foster teamwork and keep everyone on the same page.