Singapore VPS Hosting | SSD High Performance | 7 Day Trial

It functions as a dedicated server but it is a lot cheaper. Its rapid usage sometimes leads to congested servers hosted on the same physical machine. Hence, as a reputable server provider company, we figured one of the best ways to curb this is by building physical sever sites at different proximities close to users. Currently, we have 15 datacenters in different locations, including Singapore. You may wonder why choosing the Singapore VPS might the best option for you because this article will provide an answer to this question, alongside its benefit and all the features included in VPS hosting.

Benefits of Our Virtual private server Singapore Packages

Increased performance: In a virtual private server, each user is independent of one other. Our VPS packages users are paired up in minimal numbers as much as possible. Although users are not affected by neighbors regardless of the numbers, minimal users limit the downtime your server might experience.

Works like dedicated servers

Customer service

With our VPS solutions, we have an excellent customer service team put in place to give you expert support in real-time. No doubt some IT ignorant users are faced with one or more problems doing an operation. Hence, we consider this concern, allowing users to reach out to us either via mail, phone call, or online chat.

Low cost

Many new businesses start with shared hosting due to its extremely low cost. However, VPS has developed over the years, with flexible prices, making it affordable compared with dedicated hosting. You can purchase any of our Singapore VPS hosting plans for as low as $4,99.

Website’s reliability

VPS hosting provides a reliable working environment. Unlike shared hosting, where threats from other servers on the same machine may harm your website, you do not need to worry about hackers’ effects. Also, it ensures your website doesn’t experience a sudden crash while guests are visiting. When visitors have a great experience on your website, it influences their trust in your service or product.

Increased resources

With Singapore VPS packages, you can be sure not to run out of dedicated resources. Server providers often allocate enough bandwidth/SSD storage and CPU for your server/website.

Applications and Software

VPS hosting permits users to decide the applications and software type to be installed on the server, while shared hosting doesn’t provide such free access. Also, it enables easy configuration. Although suitable for every business operating online, we recommend web developers grab a VPS plan (our VPS services) while they can. It gives you access to an auto-installer to add up developed or updated applications and remove unwanted apps to free up storage space.


As your business grows, your website will require more dedicated resources to meet your customer’s needs. With VPS hosting, you can easily scale up your server without experiencing downtime or rebooting. It’s as easy as updating your system software. That is, you can easily upgrade to a higher Singapore VPS hosting package.

Choice of services

Singapore VPS hosting allows you to choose the type of service you want your provider to offer. For instance, you can either opt for the managed VPS hosting or unmanaged VPS. In unmanaged VPS hosting (Linux or Windows), users from anywhere in the world are totally in charge of controlling, managing, and maintaining the website. Managed hosting gives your service provider the full power to operate your server. When issues or problems arise, your provider will fix them without getting you worked up. However, we recommend only proficient IT users or big organizations with well-trained IT teams should opt for the unmanaged Singapore VPS package.

Multiple domains

Our Singapore VPS packages allow companies to host multiple websites on the same server. Shared hosting permits multiples website hosting as well, but the limited dedicated resources are often overstretched, hence causing downtimes. VPS allows plenty of resources to users, so you don’t have to worry about running out of your resources.


Our Singapore VPS is installed with a very stable control panel specially designed for our users’ needs. This stability allows you to maximize your business plan and manage large accounts and domains successfully, thus, increasing your company profit. You will get a 99% uptime guarantee without any hardware constraints.

Ease of Usage

We provide VPS servers with simple interface operations and additional skins that enable users to fully customize each operation to be carried out on the website. . Simple operations such as application installation, file separation monitoring, assigning tasks, and many others should be carried out without complications.


There is an increased fear in many users about hackers and cybercrime. Our Singapore VPS packages provide maximum security from virus attacks. We ensure potential threats such as DDoS attacks or malware are managed before causing damage to your VPS. We will give you 24/7 expert support along with dedicated resources to see you through any challenge you face.

Cloud backups

Cloud computing is a VPS hosting package many companies adopt today. Cloud computing not only store big files, but it also provides back up features. Moreover, data backups allow you to restore your data in case of disaster.

Future growth

We have the full support of well experienced IT experts that provide no lesser performance even as technology evolves. With our Singapore VPS packages, your VPS server will perform well, despite the high growth in a business pyramid server infrastructure and connectivity: Singapore VPS allows nearby users to connect with no interruptions. Also, you have access to local servers. Our datacenter/hosting locations in Singapore monitors several sever operations and network connections round the clock. That is, in an emergency case, we can resolve the case at a fast pace.

Why Have a VPS in Singapore

Singapore is a well-known country and one of the commercial and internet hubs in the Asia region, also called Lion City. Also, Sin has good economic influence in the world market because of its central location. Its harbor is one of the world’s biggest, making it an interesting choice for many internet users. Since many sea and land cables connect through Singapore. Boosting your website on a Singapore VPS allows you to reach a higher customer price, thus improving sales and site traffic. VPS hosting is the solution to many company problems around the world today. You should purchase a VPS plan from a physical machine nearest to your location because it increases your trust level towards the service offered. Our VPS in Singapore is well structured, such that users’ data are kept safe regardless of outward damages, including fire outbreaks.

Network information:

Singapore is an ideal choice for your VPS because it has low latency and excellent connections to the mainland, just like many other places in the Asia Pacific region. Also, a large financial district is located in Singapore, making all traffic go through one of the biggest internet exchanges in this area. Moreover, many data centers are located in Singapore. With current trends technology, fully redundant and modern cloud VPS, you can always host your VPS server in the Asia Pacific region.

Hardware and Software: In recent years, the cloud market has grown in popularity due to its rising need for new coding developers. Thus, the cloud computing market for VPS servers is upcoming in Asia.

All Features Included in VPS Hosting

It’s important you know all the necessary features in VPS hosting, as deciding on the best VPS hosting in Singapore can be somewhat confusing. You will be provided with many Singapore VPS hosting options. However, the necessity of the packages offered is of utmost importance than its volume. Hence, make sure the VPS packages being offered include most of the following features. Moreover, do not get carried away by excessive packages you might not use – this cannot be overemphasized enough.

Backend operations

This is the major feature you should consider in choosing your VPS hosting. In this case, your service provider will present to you two types of VPS, namely managed and unmanaged VPS. In managed virtual private servers (virtual machine), your provider is responsible for handling your servers’ backend operations such as patches, software updates, and security measures. However, IT expert support unmanaged VPS to save the extra cost. Whereas, if you are paying for an external technician’s service to run your server, you might just be spending more than you would have in the purchased managed VPS plan.


Many server provider companies now offer unlimited SSD storage, including Windows and Linux. Some companies will offer you unrestricted SSD VPS. However, they both have different meanings. For a start, you should know what bandwidth means? Bandwidth is one of the internet principles between users and servers that incur charges or data. That is, whenever a person visits or views your site, some amount of data is transferred during the process. Meanwhile, it would be best if you understood unlimited SSD as free services. Make sure you ask your service provider the access level and conditions (if there are any) attached to the unlimited bandwidth.


When choosing VPS hosting services, you should consider the RAM size and CPU more than the price. Generally, your server RAM size plays a major role in your speed performance, whereas a regular web server will adequately run on 2 GB RAM. When your RAM is insufficient, your server takes too much loading time. At this point, your server is overloaded with resources. Make sure your provider can allocate the larger amount of RAM if the need arises. Whereas, CPU is responsible for allocating resources to your server’s operating system and managing several tasks. This makes it easy to scale your web application with ease.

Root access

Your hosting service provider should give you root access to carry out certain authoritative operations such as SSH, full command controls, software updates, implementing scripts, and system updates. Whereas, Plesk also gives you root access to functional operations like calculating database, adding domains, and CTRL panel settings. Nevertheless, a reputable server provider gives support when users are faced with technical challenges. Our VPS hosting plans work with a wide range of servers and control panels, including Plesk, cPanel, WHM, and others, and the price is too good to be true. You will get full root access to these.

SSD storage

SSD, known as storage space direct, is a hard drive storage system that provides high speed, contrary to the old SANs, known as a storage area network. Also, for users running multiple email address, SSD allows unused mail servers to be used as storage space.


ReFS is a resilient file system that is often used alongside SSD. The combination of the two features on your server leads to high performance and effective utilization of Hyper-V workloads.


PowerShell controls your server’s remote command. Hence, it’s an administrative function. Also, it enhances Hyper-V’s ability to carry out live migration or multiple migrations without shutting down or rebooting.

Control panel

A control panel can be likened to a car’s driving wheel. In this case, it enables you to change server settings without stress. Also, make sure the web hosting control panel can be easily operated by simply clicking the right buttons or keys. Hence, you should have administrative access to certain features that affect a website’s performance.


Just as the name implies, IP address management allows easy tracking of IP addresses. This works best for corporate companies, as it creates an internal framework that monitors and manages IP addresses against the former excel spreadsheet storage. Overall, it helps recover IP addresses and server auditing.

Operating systems

The operating system is an important feature of every server. Virtual private servers have various types of OS available, as the best option is based on your website needs and requirements. Many users operate the Linux OS, followed by windows OS. However, Windows OS requires a license fee, thus making it fairly costly than Linux OS. If your system runs on windows configuration, you will need a Windows OS. Moreover, Linux OS has several operations you can run on your server, including Fedora, CentOS, Clear OS, Ubuntu, and RHEL. Set up your websites on Windows or Linux VPS server on any control panel, whether Plesk, cPanel, or others.

SSL certificate

Installing an SSL certificate on your server provides the encrypted HTTPS that verifies the authenticity of your server. If your website has sensitive information, you should consider an SSL certificate, as it encrypts data and prevents hackers from accessing such information.

Our packages

below is a list of our packages:

1. Standard: The standard package gives you 1 GB RAM, 1 CPU core, 25 GB SSD/disk space/bandwidth, and 1 TB data transfer. You can also up for the package after that, which gives you or 4 GB RAM.

2. CPU-optimized: This package starts from 1 GB RAM, 1 CPU core, 25 GB SSD/disk space, and 1 TB data transfer; other higher plans give you up to 4 GB RAM and up to 32 GB SSD

3. Memory-optimized (SSD): This plan starts from 2 GB RAM, 1 CPU core, 25 GB SSD/disk space, and 1 TB transfer. You can also get up to 8 GB of RAM and other amazing resources.


When choosing a web hosting/VPS hosting provider, you should find more information about the data centers. For instance, how well secured is the physical building against outside attacks. A poorly constructed physical server location is exposed to many risks. For instance, your service provider data center should have well-built facilities against fire outbreaks. Our Singapore VPS is the heart of Asia. Hence, we recommend it for users in the same location or nearby. Moreover, we offer 24/7 customer service and are always reachable. Hence, customers can reach out to us during emergencies or at any other time.

You can get us from all locations of the world. This also means that your websites can be accessed from all locations of the world and at any time for a price as low as $4.99. Our services are then best and they are of the same price, not minding what server you are using (Windows or Linux). Get our services and get 24/7 expert support to help you with any issue you may face from anywhere around the world without a price tag to it.